Al Franken, John Conyers & The Sexual Assault Double Standard


The last year has been a turbulent year for the American elite. Everyone from prominent politicians to untouchable media giants have been rocked by allegations of sexual assault from women who now feel empowered to speak up.

Outside of the political mainstream, even Hollywood’s big names are being rocked by claims of inappropriate sexual behavior. The careers of Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, both enormous names in Hollywood, are likely over. Individuals like George H.W. Bush, once held in the highest of esteem, now have multiple allegations counting against their legacy.

And for all the right reasons. Sexual assault is wrong, as is any type of unwanted intrusion and aggression.

Since last year, President Donald Trump has faced repeated allegations of sexual assault and a leaked video supporters dismissed as “locker room talk.” There were calls for him to drop out of the race and even as President, there have been calls for either impeachment by Congress or just for him to resign.

The same has also occurred in Hollywood. Anthony Rapp’s allegations reached the world instantaneously in the digital age, the Internet went up in flames, and Kevin Spacey was finished immediately. Like Weinstein’s own company that dumped him, Netflix canceled its smash hit House of Cards and fired Spacey from the final season.

Though it has been the worst-kept secret that nobody wanted to address, the American mainstream is finally taking a stand for women and sexual assault. The 600 lb gorilla in the room is finally being talked about, and it’s about damn time.

But what in the cases of prominent Democrats? It’s interesting to watch the response, as the Democratic Party is in a peculiar position. After the surprise upset last year that propelled Donald Trump into the White House while giving Republicans control of Congress, Democrats have struggled to become a functioning political machine.

Losing the likes of Al Franken (D-MN) in the Senate and John Conyers (R-MI) in the House will not help things. In fact, it makes things worse. For one, that’s not only a decline in numbers, it’s the loss of an established voice for the party.

Republicans were faced with the same issue involving President Trump and again now with Judge Roy Moore. Democrats are constantly vocalizing their horror at the refusal to purge both. But even with a special election looming, the GOP has numerous voices putting aside partisan politics to stand up.

Where are Democrats on Franken and Conyers?

There has always been a degree of partisan acceptance of wrongdoing. Whether it be spying on Americans, waging war abroad, or questionable uses of power, people tend to be less outraged when a member of their own team does something bad. To a degree, this doesn’t seem any different for sexual assault allegations. For Democrats, a party that allegedly prides itself on standing up for women, this is a problem.

If the Democratic Party is truly the party that supports women, it will refuse to become a political party defined by the likes of Al Franken or John Conyers. The Democrats, if they are not hypocrites, will take a firm stand against what is wrong and call for their resignation or removal. Fat chance of that ever happening though.

Chris Dixon is a liberty activist and writer from Maine. In addition to being Managing Editor for the Liberty Conservative, he also writes the Bangor Daily News blog "Undercover Porcupine" and for sports website Cleatgeeks.


  1. In 2012 the book “fifty shades of grey” was the #1 bestseller. who were the creepy people who were reading that book, and who were the creepy people who saw the movie.

  2. “The Democrats, if they are not hypocrites, will take a firm stand
    against what is wrong and call for their resignation or removal. Fat
    chance of that ever happening though.” because, of course, they are hypocrites

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