“Paul Ryan” are “fightin’ words” to nationalist patriots like myself and others on the Trump Train. Ryan will be DOA should he put his hat in the ring in the 2020 GOP primaries. We nationalist patriots simply are too numerous within the ranks of GOP primary and caucus voters. The globalists (open borders, free trade,
MoreShould Hillary win, the Ryan Republicans are not going to pursue any frontal assault on a Democrat President. They are going to hold their ammo, presumably for some future nirvana event after which it will be politically feasible to fight back in a meaningful away. If that is the case, then we may have a
MoreI actually look forward to seeing #NeverTrumpers eat crow on Election Night. As you may know, I have had my moments of doubt aboard the Trump Train; and at one weak moment, I even started to leave the First Class Car for the Caboose. I can assure you, by the way, that at that time
MoreTo those who say that Trump is going to lose this election: conventional wisdom agrees with you, as do the various betting pools out there. Of course, Brexit reminds us that the anti-establishment, populist vote in this election cycle is probably larger than the polls would indicate. Still, is it likely that lightning will strike the
MoreBeing pragmatic in the application of one’s principles does not manifest a lack of principle. I recall that some admired Paul Ryan and put down the Tea Party – in part because of Ryan’s willingness to accommodate, versus the Tea Party insistence on ideological purity. They made a point about how Ryan’s pursuit of the half
MoreThe idea that we must include Russia in any redrawing of national boundaries derives from two dubious assumptions, in my opinion. First, it smacks of a “great powers” approach to global management, which reached its zenith just after the Second World War (UN Security Council and Bretton Woods), and which since then has been shown
MoreTo all the Romney/Ryan fans (i.e. “Hillary Lovers”) exhibiting the intellectual dishonesty of people motivated more by fear than truth, I ask this question: Why don’t you fear losing the Supreme Court for a generation to a bunch of radical leftist totalitarian justices? They apparently do not fear the out-of-control regulatory state that we know Hillary
MoreYou may have read the piece in the Wall Street Journal: “America’s Unworking Men”. I agree with the comments that the Democrat Party benefits from increasing joblessness. It makes sense when we consider the Democrat model for expanding their political power: 1.) Strengthening control from the top through the regulatory and tax power of the Washington-Wall Street
MoreFrom Michael Lieber, the former GOP city captain for Bay Village, Ohio, who resigned that post last month to protest Donald Trump’s nomination as the presidential candidate for the Republican Party: “We have thrown away the White House and a golden opportunity to save the country from Hillary Clinton. We have to save other GOP
MoreFrankly, unless one is an anti-government anarchist at one end of the great ideological divide, or a totalitarian fascist on the other, it is always a matter of degree as to how much we have in common. Moreover, most persons’ rhetoric is more purist and extremist than where they stand in reality. There is a
MoreI take offense to those “Gary Johnson” libertarians who make obnoxious comments about Republican volunteers passing out pamphlets to NASCAR and WWF fans. Those of us with Trump-Pence signs in our yards are not interested in setting up some “redneck” scene. Can we tone it down? Moreover, they paint with a broad brush when it comes to the
MoreIn this short commentary written by Dennis Prager, I agree with his overall assessment that the left influences Christianity and Judaism today much more so than vice versa. It is the left that dictates our cultural, moral, and ethical norms. Dennis Prager does not discuss the deeper reason for this development, though I have no
MoreI have learned from my years as a GOP campaign manager and county chairman that people indeed are willing to vote for someone that they loathe in proportion to the personal negative impact of the policies pursued by the other side. Tip O’Neill said famously that all politics is local. I would add that all
MoreCruz has his hardcore supporters. They will march in lockstep with him over the edge and into that special hell pit reserved for Republicans who are more willing to hand the Supreme Court to Hillary Clinton than to stomach a showman populist. The real question is how much appeal he retains beyond his core supporters.
MoreI am not so sure that the Republican Party is the “Trump Party.” Frankly, I hope that you are right, and that I am wrong, and that the GOP really has adopted the economic and political worldview identified as “America First.” Nevertheless, apart from Trump, a handful of GOP Senators (i.e. Alabama Senator Sessions), and
MoreI do not believe that Trump has any interest in maintaining a political coalition if he loses in November. He is not a career political activist concerned about building a movement that may survive his retirement. I saw much the same phenomenon with Ross Perot after he lost in 1992. He had put a lot
MoreDo you think that China’s currency manipulation is so inconsequential that we should continue the Bush and the Obama “no stick” replies to their repeated currency provocations? I understand that getting tough with China is not good news for USA retailers that make millions off of selling artificially cheap Chinese knockoffs. Nevertheless, for people like myself
MoreRegarding the defeat of the insurgents at the RNC, it should be noted that they were defeated fair and square. There was no denial of the process afforded any member of the Rules Committee. The fact that the insurgents did not have enough votes to force a change in the rules does not suggest anti-democratic
MoreFBI Director James Comey demonstrated that he can take the dance floor and do the Texas Two-Step better than anyone out there. His performance will be heralded for his intellectual ability to build a case that goes in one clear direction, and then swings suddenly and inexplicably the other way. I am a writer
MoreOne of the myths we hear all the time is that Clinton would make a tough and intelligent wartime President. It is true that within the Obama White House Clinton often joined with Panetta and others to advance a more hawkish position. Nevertheless, in almost every instance, she would show herself to be a hawk
MoreI am pleasantly surprised that the “Leave” side won in the UK today. As a nationalist, I generally support other nations putting their independence above the interest of global governance and multinational corporate/banking elitism. In the short to medium term, the prospect of the UK leaving the EU will cripple the Pound Sterling and, likely,