“Groupthink” is a phenomenon that social psychologists know well. It was in 1972 that Irving Janis first coined the term, and since this time the concept of groupthink has been applied to the study of decision-making in various contexts. However, all too rarely have scholars analyzed academia in terms of groupthink. Yet there can be
MoreThe entire Harvey Weinstein/Hollywood sex scandal is but the most recent glimpse into the Feminist Brain. And it is not pretty. To explore the Feminist Mind is the equivalent of being inside of Space Mountain while blindfolded, for it is a place racked with all of the turmoil—all of the madness—that one would expect to
MoreWell, it’s Christopher Columbus Day again. And this, of course, means that it is but another occasion for leftists everywhere to repudiate their own civilization. For a few decades now, the 15th century European explorer’s face has been held up as that of Western civilization, i.e. the face of all that is evil in the
MoreAs I write this, there is only a small handful of facts, or alleged facts, that all of the talking heads in Big Media seem to agree upon regarding “the largest mass shooting in American history.” First, 64 year-old Stephen Paddock, a white man and resident of Nevada, appears to have acted alone when he
MoreWhile media talking heads and representatives of the NFL are busy prattling on about the “oppression” that blacks supposedly face on a daily basis in America 2017, there has scarcely been a peep about something that occurred just days ago in a little town in Tennessee called Antioch. When Dylan Roof, a young white man,
MorePresident Trump’s meetings with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi over the debt ceiling and DACA provoked some of his high-profile supporters to abandon him—or at least to speak as if they were ready to do so. Admittedly, neither am I particularly impressed by some of Trump’s latest moves. That being said, given that, as I
MoreAs everyone who cares now knows, the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia that was held last Saturday “turned violent.” It “turned violent” just as did so many of Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, the “free speech” rallies that have been held over the last seven or so months, and Trump’s inauguration. Of course, it
MoreAs soon as John McCain was diagnosed with brain cancer, a bipartisan chorus of praise for the career politician emerged. Whether McCain is the good man and good “public servant” that he is now being made out to be are empirical questions. The evidence with respect to both is overwhelmingly in the negative. Since a
MoreContrary to the narrative of Donald Trump’s friends and foes alike, the phenomenon of “fake news” long precedes the 2016 presidential election, even if the moniker is of a fairly recent vintage. To deem an item reported by journalists a piece of “fake news” is not necessarily to say that it is patently false. Of
MorePresident Trump’s first 100 days have certainly had their share of pitfalls and disappointments (at least for many of his supporters). This being said, they have not been nearly as bad as either the Democrats’ media propagandists or even some of his supporters would have us think: (1) Corporations that would have otherwise relocated operations
MoreIn February, the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party, the so-called “Antifa” (“antifascist”), rioted at University of California at Berkeley in order to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a speech. The anti-American leftist thugs randomly assaulted innocents, threw Molotov cocktails, clashed with police, and smashed windows. By the time it was all said and done,
MoreAfter a highly publicized ordeal involving UC Berkeley and Ann Coulter, and after the latter insisted as recently as just a few hours before the time of this writing that she would speak at Berkeley irrespectively of the fact that administrators had done all that they could to prevent her from being heard, Ann has
MoreThe tide is turning. It is nothing less than an unmitigated disgrace that hate-consumed leftist ideologues have been permitted to unleash violence upon their political opponents for at least as long as Donald Trump has been a serious contender for the presidency. There’s been an explosion of political violence in America, and it is all
More“Islamophobia” is a real problem. Or so we’re led to believe by the usual suspects in the grievance industry par excellence, the Racism-Industrial-Complex (RIC). It’s a problem because, it is tirelessly declared, “Islamophobia” is only going to create more Islamic “extremists.” An article from a December 2015 edition of The Independent represents this all too
MoreUnsurprisingly, President Donald J. Trump was correct. Though he originally spoke, or tweeted, clumsily, the gist of his claim was correct: The administration of his predecessor, Barack H. Obama, had indeed been surveilling Trump and those close to his campaign.
MoreIt would appear that higher education has become a Politically Correct caricature of itself. Yet for an increasing number of students, this is no laughing matter, for academia’s ceaseless drift toward the abyss of far-left ideology has been accompanied by an increase in threats of violence. College campuses in many places have become dangerous for
MoreIn the Western world today, particularly in America, there persists this idea among both Christians and non-Christians alike that, to be a Christian, one must endorse a specific kind of vision of how societies should be organized politically. While it is true that few if any contemporary Christians endorse a theocracy, and while it is
MoreNationally syndicated “conservative” talk radio host Michael Savage and his poodle, “Teddy,” were recently assaulted while they exited a restaurant in San Francisco. A man followed them from the eatery and mocked Savage for his real surname (“Weiner”) before kicking Teddy and throwing Mike to the ground. Neither master nor dog, fortunately, sustained any serious
MoreA left-leaning colleague of mine recently sent me a link to an article that he found “encouraging.” Evidently, General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, President Trump’s Secretary of Defense, believes that “climate change” is both “real” and, according to the article, “a threat to American interests abroad and the Pentagon’s assets everywhere [.]” In unpublished written
MoreUnfortunately, the roll out of the controversial Republican replacement of Obamacare relegated to the margins the much more important topic of the “Deep State” and the uses to which its resources were deployed during the Obama administration. After months of baseless allegations that he had colluded with the Russian government to steal the presidential election
MoreWhile violence has always had a home on the political left, and while the Left in America has been engaging in violence from at least the time of the late 1960’s, forces on the thuggish left became emboldened during Obama’s tenure in the White House. Within the last year or so, they have become especially
MoreOn Inauguration Day, January 20, a mob of howling leftists arrived at the campus of the University of Washington to prevent Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a scheduled speech. Milo is a foreigner, a particularly flamboyant homosexual Jew who is a provocateur par excellence. The consummate troll, Milo delights in shattering such Politically Correct
MoreWhat’s come to be called “Calexit,” the movement among some Californians to secede from the United States, is gaining momentum. Let’s hope that it is ultimately successful. First of all, despite the postbellum, i.e. Lincolnian, conventional wisdom that states are not morally and legally entitled to secede from the Union, the historical truth is that
MoreOn Friday, January 27, 2017, masses of people converged on Washington D.C. to repudiate Roe v Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that endowed upon American women a Constitutional “right” to “abortion.” With respect to most of the issues of the day, I can understand and appreciate, even if I do not accept, the reasons
MoreMy colleague, a white man of the left, sympathizes with Black Lives Matter and could typically be counted upon to presume the guilt of police officers in those highly publicized instances of alleged “police brutality” like, say, those involving Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray, cases that BLM has exploited. In the vast majority
MoreAccording to the left-leaning linguist George Lakoff, Donald J. Trump routed the Democrats because, in part, “progressive” Democrats rely on facts, reason, and logic while “conservative” Republicans appeal to peoples’ “frames and metaphors and narratives and images and emotions [.]” Lakoff laments that “progressives” on (of all places) MSNBC make the “mistake every day” of
MoreThat there is some sense in which Christmas can be said to have become “secularized” over the years is undoubtedly true. Nevertheless, this judgment may be overwrought. Perhaps Christ is more present in “secularized” expressions of Christmas than either Christian or non-Christian is willing to acknowledge. This is borne out by close examination of such
MoreWhenever it came to anything that he knew he shouldn’t have done, the comedian Flip Wilson used to say: “The Devil made me do it.” For the Democrats, it is the Russians who made us do it. More exactly, it is the Russians who made the Democrats lose on November 8. For a variety of
MoreNot all news coming from academia these days is necessarily bad news. In my own little corner of this world, some of it is actually quite good, and it’s all that much sweeter when it is considered within the larger context of contemporary events. At a time when universities and colleges around the country are
MoreJust moments before I proceeded to write this article, a colleague of mine sent me a link to the Facebook wall of Tim Wise, a white self-avowed “anti-racist.” I will not bother relaying Wise’s tirade of a post. Rather, it is the article to which he links that is of interest. The latest edition of
MoreParents who plan on refinancing their homes in order to send their children off to college should instead consider encouraging them to specialize in a trade. Speaking as a Ph.D. in philosophy who has spent the last 17 years teaching at the college level, I’m perhaps the last person from whom advice of this sort
MoreOn October 7, Wikileaks released more hacked DNC emails. The latter confirm what many Republicans, independents, and Democrats have long known: Hillary Clinton, who billionaires back 20-to-one over Donald Trump, is the Bankster’s candidate, the candidate of Wall Street. Between 2013 and 2015, Clinton raked in $20 million for speeches that she delivered to Goldman
MoreNot long ago, National Review writer Jonah Goldberg discussed the “alt-right” with Hugh Hewitt on the latter’s talk radio show. They agreed that, at bottom, the movement upon which Hillary Clinton bestowed national recognition last month was “racist” and “supremacist.” As such, it deserved to be purged from the GOP and the conservative movement. The
MoreIt’s true that on some of the most pressing of issues—immigration, trade, and foreign policy—Donald Trump’s “America First” positions are more aligned with traditional conservatism than are those of any other candidate. That is, they clash with the neoconservatism, the faux “conservatism,” that the GOP Establishment and its media apologists have promoted for decades as
MoreDonald Trump is doomed. This, at any rate, is what we are expected to believe given his latest skirmish, a media-created dustup with Khazir Khan. The latter is a Muslim transplant to America, a lawyer who specializes in Islamic immigration, and the father of a son who was killed while on a combat mission in
More“What a Truly Honest Discussion of Race Would Look Like” and which Obama and the Left would like to avoid On Thursday, July 14, Barack Obama held a nationally televised “town hall” meeting on American race relations—and, unsurprisingly, punted on that “honest” discussion of race that he and his ilk accuse the rest of us
MoreAs was recently shown, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, with its central claim that police around the country are hunting and killing innocent black men, is a lie. Yet the BLM myth is enmeshed within a larger narrative, a narrative of eternal White Racism. And couched within this tale are distortions and outright crucially
MoreA Review of the Libertarian Case for the Trump Process” Ann Coulter just released her book on Donald Trump. I haven’t yet read it, and though Coulter has been outstanding in what she’s been saying for the last year or so on such issues as immigration, Trump, and the treacherousness of the GOP, the truth
MoreJust as FBI Director James Comey confirmed for the world that Hillary Clinton chronically lied about having compromised national security, the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) crowd stole the media spotlight from the disgraced Democratic presidential nominee. The shooting deaths of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota by police have resurrected with a
MoreTrump is just the latest to be branded with the “R”-word. “Behind Trump, the GOP Really is Becoming the Racist Party” is the title of an article that appeared last year in The Daily Beast. It may as well have been written today, for the implication of the author—a self-described Muslim-American—represents that of Donald Trump’s
MoreThe week of Independence Day, Gersh Kuntzman of the Daily News, called for Major League baseball to permanently ban the playing of “God Bless America.” While conceding some of its virtues, Kuntzman laments that the classic jingle “embodies” some of “our worst things,” vices like “self-righteousness, forced piety,” and “earnest self-reverence.” Kuntzman approvingly alludes to
MoreDear Trump supporters, A recent ABC/Washington Post poll of “registered voters” purports to show that Donald Trump lags 12 points behind Hillary Clinton in a national head-to-head contest. In case you’re inclined to accept this at face value—don’t. First, this poll does indeed purport to gauge preferences nationally. Ultimately, what’s going to matter is how