In May, the Trump administration’s budget request for 2018 was on course to maintain a similar level of missile defense funding as seen during the Obama administration. Then, on November 29th, North Korea tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching speeds of more than 8,000 miles per hour. In the wake of
MoreBetween May and July, hackers breached the cybersecurity of Equifax, a company that provides consumer credit scores, exposing the personal details of up to 143 million U.S. consumers. This information included names, driver’s license numbers, and Social Security numbers. Democrats immediately jumped at the chance to regulate the credit industry. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and
MoreIn a 2011 piece for the New York Times, leftist billionaire Warren Buffett claimed that investment managers are getting “extraordinary tax breaks,” due to the classification of income from managing others’ money as “capital gains.” “Some of us are investment managers who earn billions from our daily labors but are allowed to classify our income as ‘carried
MoreFor five years, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman has attempted to bring Herbalife, a global nutrition and weight management company, to the brink of financial ruin—all for his personal financial gain. Fortune reported that, back in 2012, Ackman’s Pershing Square Capital Management took a $1 billion short position in Herbalife’s stock, expressing his belief
MoreUnder the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) new rule, private companies would be banned from fully utilizing mandatory arbitration clauses. Pertaining mainly to financial products such as credit cards and bank accounts, these clauses currently prevent consumers from joining together in class action lawsuits to sue their banks. While the rule wouldn’t ban these clauses
MoreOver the past several months, the mainstream media and Washington elite have perpetuated conspiracy theories and demonstrably false narratives in an effort to distract and stymie the current administration from reforming America’s health care–and the claims are growing ever more outlandish. In one article, CNN teeth-clinchingly claimed that under the bill formerly known as the
MoreStudents at Furman University rallied against Trump’s order on immigration in February at the “Students For Solidarity Rally.” The event, held on the steps of Furman’s James B. Duke Library, was billed as “a showing of public opposition to the Executive Order banning refugees and Muslims from 7 countries from entering the United States.” Prior