Matthew Yglesias, writing for Vox, may have best summed up the Democratic Party’s – and by extension, Tom Perez’s – asinine choice of Steve Beshear as the messenger tasked with delivering the response to President Trump’s first-ever address to a joint session of congress. Yglesias writes of the former Kentucky Governor, “Beshear isn’t a rising
MoreHitler’s 1923 coup attempt, best known as the Beer Hall Putsch, was only a nominal failure. The immediate result was his arrest, trial, and conviction, though his sentence was barely carried out. The long-term effect was to inspire in him the belief that power is best achieved through engagement with the ruling regime and existing
MoreThere exists no dearth of outrage on the Left toward the perceived hypocrisy of President Donald Trump and the Republican Party at large. Mr. Trump, they remind us, was elected due to a number of campaign promises, not least of them was the pledge to “drain the swamp”, a not-so-thinly-veiled allusion to the pervasive influence
MoreThe birthplace of the free speech movement, UC Berkeley, was desecrated recently by a platoon of masked cowards who set fires, smashed windows, and assaulted peaceful people who had gathered there to hear a talk by infamous internet maven, Milo Yiannopoulos. Their efforts were successful: Milo canceled his appearance and the perpetrators of the inexcusable
MoreWhen Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus in 1883 she may or may not have been aware that, 6,500 miles to the east in the Arabian Peninsula, the Al Saud were clashing with their bitter rivals, the al-Rashids from the city of Hayil. Things didn’t go well for the Al Saud and, consequently, they were driven
MoreSince the divisive passage of the ironically titled “Affordable” Care Act, the Republican Party has with earnest been attempting to both repeal and replace former President Obama’s signature legislation. For almost the complete duration of Mr. Obama’s two terms, such a mission was completely futile; there was simply no way he would have signed into
MoreLast Wednesday, it was announced that, by way of executive fiat, the United States would begin scaling back its financial support of the United Nations (UN). It was the same day our new President signed an order which jump-starts the construction of his long promised wall along the US-Mexico border. At face value it would
MoreSome time ago, I suggested that liberals have, by in large, lost their minds. This is based mostly on their denial of reality and their freakish hypersensitivity when confronted with criticism or ideas that differ from their own. They appear to be coming apart at the seams with nothing concrete to ground them, but I
MoreThe battle of ideas between the left and right wings of our nation’s politics has perhaps never been as bitter as it is now. And it is certainly well outside of our lifetime since the liberal side of the war has been so outmatched. Desperate for ammunition, the Left has taken to hurling handfuls of
MoreAs we draw closer to the inauguration of our 45th president we also draw closer to the long overdue repeal of the ironically titled Affordable Care Act. Informally known as Obamacare, this abomination, much like its namesake, never should have become a reality. It’s fitting that as Obama leaves office congress will almost simultaneously rid
MoreNewly anointed Senate Minority Leader, Charles “Chuck” Schumer, has had plenty of practice during his lengthy tenure in Washington, D.C. at picking his battles and these days he’s picked a big one. Of late, the senior senator from New York has engaged himself in a game of plagiarizing pages from the Republican playbook in his
MoreThe following may seem a little harsh, but please keep in mind that everything I’m about to write is out of genuine concern for our friends on the left, particularly those of the millennial generation. They say children are our future and with that in mind, I’ve become increasingly concerned about the mental health and
MoreTry as he might to salvage what’s left of his tarnished legacy, President Obama can’t seem to avoid humiliating himself on his way out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. A year or two ago it became painfully apparent that George W. Bush was no longer a viable excuse for Mr. Obama’s own failings and since that
MoreThe following thought is certainly not original with me, but regardless of who expressed it first, it bears repeating: Conservatives craft policy based on the world as it is, and liberals craft policy based on how they believe the world should be. Said another way, the former seeks to adapt to the confines of reality,
MoreA few days ago, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on Capitol Hill to pay homage to outgoing Senator Harry Reid. It should have been a happy occasion; Senator Reid’s tenure in congress has been a blight on our nation for decades, we should celebrate his departure from government. But instead, Mrs. Clinton took it as
MoreGreg Lake’s musical career began at the age of twelve when his mother bought him a guitar. The first song he wrote, “Lucky Man”, would turn out to be the most memorable track recorded by the progressive rock supergroup Emerson, Lake & Palmer. The momentum of the progressive rock scene was cut short in the
MoreGeneral James Mattis has been selected by President-elect Trump to succeed our country’s current Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter. The response to this choice has been almost universally praised as Mattis’ reputation for intelligence, innovation, and honor have preceded him since he first began his climb to prominence during the Persian Gulf War. He is
MoreMuch has happened in the news since Thanksgiving, and there are several items that deserve attention. First: At long last, Fidel Castro is finally dead. It is unfortunate so many people on the left glorify this despicable human being and, by extension, the decades of repression and violence he inflicted upon the inmates of the
MoreOver the past several years, those of us on the right have watched in semi-stupefied horror as the traditions and morals that serve as the bedrock of our culture have been eroded under an incessant bombardment of cultural Marxism. Those values that built this nation (not to mention much of western civilization) are under open
MoreAmid a torrent of rumors surrounding the allegedly chaotic Trump transition, there have been some glimmers of hope emerging from the fledgling ascendance of the Manhattanite billionaire to the halls of power in Washington, DC. Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, has taken the reins of the transition process and his first order of business was to