Dr. Jimmy Kimmel?


America is no stranger to celebrities flaunting their politics. The entertainers we see on our television screens and in the movie theaters often become elitists in their perspectives. For this, their money and their name are often used by politicians looking to advance an agenda. More often than not, the beneficiaries of these celebrity activists are the political left.

Hollywood in general has developed a reputation for being agents of the Democratic Party. In recent history, the number one achievement of the Democratic Party is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

So it’s only natural that Hollywood celebrities line up to support Obamacare and defend it.

But Jimmy Kimmel has become a man of his own this year though. With healthcare being a big topic of discourse, he used his show to become a central figure in the deabte. Back in May, he gave an emotional monologue about how Obamacare helped his newborn son who was born with a rare heart condition.

For any parent watching Kimmel talk about the issue of his newborn son, they can certainly relate. Children are near and dear to the hearts of loving parents, and it can be gut-wrenching to watch a child suffer. While knowing this, it is hard for many of us to empathize with Kimmel’s situation.

Basing Obamacare’s usefulness on just Kimmel’s anecdote alone is oversimplified and misguided. One mechanism helping those in need doesn’t justify an enormous legislative juggernaut with ruinous influence over a large industry.

In a lot of ways, this is the way that American politics has gone. Instead of debating with the depth of logic and facts, we opt for emotional appeal. No one is saying that Kimmel’s emotions are wrong, because they’re not. His son’s suffering is heartbreaking. But whatever happened or happens from this point forward, this doesn’t change the fact that healthcare is an incredibly complicated topic.

Interestingly enough, it is the fault of Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), one of the men behind the current repeal bill, that the term “Kimmel Test” exists. But we can all agree that children shouldn’t be made to suffer. Suffering children should never be used as political pawns.

With all of this being said, it is still possible to help children suffering from rare illnesses without having to keep an enormous piece of legislation riddled with endless problems. Best of luck explaining this logic to a late night talk show host, however.

Jimmy Kimmel is only an entertainer. While even as an entertainer he’s entitled to his own political opinions, let’s not pretend that he is an authority on the topic of healthcare. This is a man who built his career on busty girls jumping on trampolines, after all. The mainstream media has fallen in love with him and the idea of a Kimmel Test for self-serving purposes. But at the end of the day, he’s not someone qualified to speak on any matter of importance.

He’s just an entertainer who sacrificed his comedic abilities to be a late-night shill, just like Stephen Colbert alongside him.

Chris Dixon is a liberty activist and writer from Maine. In addition to being Managing Editor for the Liberty Conservative, he also writes the Bangor Daily News blog "Undercover Porcupine" and for sports website Cleatgeeks.

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