It was a big day for Germany as election day rolled around. Many expected that German Chancellor Angela Merkel would secure a fourth election, but the bigger question was how the other results would come in. Would the populist uprising that is taking place throughout the world gain more momentum with the results?
Chancellor Merkel ultimately secured her fourth term, but the damage was done to her coalition as the right wing had its biggest surge in decades. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) holds 13 percent of the seats in Parliament and has already promised to complicate life for the Chancellor. Former National Front leader Marine Le Pen of France called to congratulate AfD leaders after their strong showing.
The Social Democratic Party of Germany announced after the enormous gains by the AfD they will no longer govern in a “grand coalition” with Chancellor Merkel, citing the huge losses by their party. The future is grim for Merkel, a globalist who has seen her best days. Despite securing a fourth term, it was her worst election result to date and the presence of the Alternative for Germany complicates matters more. Despite this, she claimed she would listen to their “concerns, worries and anxieties.”
Any serious agreement between Chancellor Merkel and AfD regarding the right’s biggest concerns is however unlikely. Merkel has been one of the most stringent and unwaivering defenders of globalism throughout her entire tenure as German chancellor, and teaching this old dog new tricks will be a tall order.
The election result is widely seen as a direct result of Germany opening the door to undocumented refugees. Immigration was an enormous issue for AfD voters who raised concerns about safety regarding foreigners who weren’t vetted entering the country. The refugee and migrant count has already exceeded 900,000.
The world has gone mad.
how stupid can they be. More refugees now, more rapes and murder. way to go
Germans are crazy, she is destroying your country
Second most powerful person in the world. Most powerful person in Europe. Most powerful economy in Europe. One of the most powerful economies in the world. The most powerful free nation in the eastern hemisphere.
How is she destroying Germany?
Bullshit , France and England have nukes which make them more powerful
Something is not right
Wow, what the he’ll is wrong over there?
Russian meddling?
Sad day for Europe. Even sadder for Germans.
I mean the two big choices were her and Schulz… I’d vote AfD or FDP first but Merkel is arguably better than Schulz
Germany has proportional representation, so there’s no excuse for not voting AfD.
she still has work to do,,,she hasn’t finished destroying her country yet
Germany under her Chancellorship has become the most powerful economy in Europe, one of the most influential countries in the world, a hive for innovation and development, and the most powerful free nation in the Eastern hemisphere.
She hasn’t ruined her country. She’s rebuilt it.
Theo Menon sure, sure, sure… just shut the fuck up!
Poor Germany, their days are numbered!
Can’t the Germans do anything right?
The kraits must have let the horde of terrorists she brought in vote!
No…mostly middle to upper middle class conservative, white Christians are the backers of her political party, the Christian Democratic Union.
I don’t think you can be a Christian and a demorat.
Germany enjoy more immegrants
They’d be better off digging up the Kaiser and putting him back to work.
Merkel’s re-election equates to more terrorism, crime, rapes, expense, and loss of culture.
There hasn’t been an increase in crime in Germany. That’s all false actually.
Theo Menon Yea, I’m just making up Muslim terrorism. Don’t know why the French are putting a 20M bullet proof glass wall around the Eiffel Tower. Here a reading assignment: Migrant crime in Germany rises by 50 per cent, new figures show:
Sieg Heil!
RIP Germany cause of death stupidity!
The muslims voted her in again!
The vast majority of people who support Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union are conservative, white, middle to upper middle class, suburban/rural Christian people.
No voter fraud in Germany!?!
Good bye Germany.
You may as well change the name of Germany now because one more term of her and it will never be the same. I feel for the older German people that remember what it is to be proud.
To bad.
Gluttons for punishment
Boring!! All the way with AFD!
Germany is doomed!