Independent United States Senator Angus King has announced his position on President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. As Democrats mount their opposition to Gorsuch, Senator King remained a key undecided member. Although Independent, he typically caucuses with the Democratic Party and ideologically aligns with the Left.
This move comes as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced he has the votes to filibuster Gorsuch. The showdown over the Supreme Court vacancy has been an ongoing storyline since Republicans successfully blocked Obama nominee Merrick Garland last year. Now Democrats are preparing to filibuster, even with Republicans floating the nuclear option as a response.
Senator King went on the record regarding Gorsuch, as reported by Michael Shepherd of Bangor Daily News:
“If Judge Gorsuch is ultimately confirmed, I sincerely hope my concerns and fears will be proven wrong; I would be delighted if this is the case. But in good conscience, I must vote my convictions and not my hopes – and my convictions in this case tell me ‘no’.”
Senator King joins Democrats in criticizing Gorsuch’s refusal to take positions on various judicial issues and speculate about possible cases.
Maine State Senator Eric Brakey, who recently announced his opposition to Senator King, supports the nomination of Neil Gorsuch. In a February 2nd Facebook post, he stated:
“Neil Gorsuch’s record proves his unwavering commitment to our Constitution; as such, he is an excellent pick to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Antonin Scalia. I am strongly convinced — by his legal opinions defending the 4th Amendment and critiquing the over-criminalization in our criminal justice system — Judge Gorsuch understands that our Constitution exists to protect the rights and freedoms of the little guy, not the convenience and agendas of big government.
Senator King’s announcement comes a day after Senator Brakey announced his opposition for United States Senate.
Who the Hell is Anus King?