Kid Rock Emerges As Senate Favorite, Tops Democratic Opponent In Early Poll

When Kid Rock (real name Robert Ritchie) announced his run for Senate earlier this month, most people dismissed it as a joke or a publicity stunt to promote an upcoming album. After making it clear that he was absolutely in it to win it, Kid Rock now tops incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) in the polls.

Polling firm Delphi Analytica questioned 668 Michigan residents between July 14 and 18 about the potential Senate race. Their results showed that 30 percent of Michigan residents would prefer Kid Rock while 26 percent of Michigan residents would prefer Stabenow in a head-to-head showdown. The largest number, 44 percent, remain undecided.

“Michigan, once part of the Democrats vaunted “Blue Wall” is suddenly a battleground where Democrats and Republicans are now fighting for blue collar voters. This became a central theme during the 2016 election season, where Donald Trump won over the white working class vote,” Delphi Analytica wrote in their summary of the results.

“The question now is whether that support will rub off onto other Republicans candidates in the 2018 midterm elections. Robert Ritchie looks to capitalize on this fervor and promote his brand with song lyrics that appeal to these same Michigan voters, despite never having held any political office.”

While these results are certainly preliminary and do not indicate that Kid Rock will be Senator next year, they certainly indicate that the political landscape has been blown to pieces because of Trump’s ascent. The impossible is now possible, and political insiders in the state of Michigan are taking note of Kid Rock’s viability as a candidate.

“Presuming Kid Rock doesn’t get caught in bed with a little boy, or beat up a woman between now and August 2018, he’s going to win the nomination if he gets in,” veteran Michigan Republican Party consultant Dennis Lennox said to Politico. “I think there’s no question about that. I think he’s the prohibitive favorite if he gets in.”

“He’s well-liked in Michigan. He’s a hometown darling. He’s got deep connections to Detroit. He’s done a lot throughout the state,” former Michigan Republican Party chairman Saul Anuzis said. “Anybody who’s writing him off is making a mistake.”

Kid Rock is already busy on Twitter following the Trump’s victory blueprint. Last week, he published a photo of his meal (a burger and a legendary Detroit-brewed beer) on Twitter. He asked his followers, “What do you think Schumer is spoon-feeding Stabenow tonight?”

The 2018 political races will be unlike anything America has ever seen, especially in Michigan.


    • Joe C was not a stage dwarf. He was an early fan that had a terminal disease. Ritchie took him on and gave him a job – made him famous and gave him a hell of a life. He is not the kind of person that uses people.

  1. Al Frankin did it so there are no standards. What is not realized is the level of distain for the other party and if the gets them all worked up that generates so much support. The past 8 years of socialism and social transformation really affected many people in negative ways.,

  2. You are going to see alot of whats left of the liberal politicians getting voted out if they dont cut the shit and start working with the Trump administration .. They are not winning any fans road blocking shit with anyone but the same dip shits who would already vote them only because they are democrat …

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