The center-right government of Norway has constructed a policy that has really showcases the folly and hypocrisy of leftist thinking. By creating a voluntary tax scheme allowing virtuous liberals to pay more, they put leftist rhetoric to the test. Would these supposedly compassionate liberals put their money where their mouths are, or would they demonstrate their lack of generosity?
“The tax scheme was set up to allow those who want to pay more taxes to do so in a simple and straightforward way,” Finance Minister Siv Jensen said in a comment emailed to Bloomberg reporters. “If anyone thinks the tax level is too low, they now have the chance to pay more.”
Liberals, predictably, showed their true colors and ponied up very little dough to help the state. The plan grossed only $1,325 in voluntary revenue during its first month of existence, far behind all projected estimates. Still, the leftist politicians in Norway want higher taxes for the entire population despite the public’s unwillingness to pay them without the threat of force.
“This is an election campaign showcase by the government,” Norwegian Labor Party strategist Harald Jacobsen said. He wants the Norwegian government to target large, multinational corporations as the primary victims of a new tax scheme.
It is worth noting that Jonas Gahr Store, the Labor Party candidate for Prime Minister currently ahead in the polls for this year’s elections, has a net worth of $8 million. Despite his substantial wealth, he is attempting to convince Norwegian voters that he is a man of the people while simultaneously promising to raise taxes.
“We have to take responsibility so that the economy is steered in a manner that doesn’t produce sudden jolts, which is bad for both consumers and companies.” Store said in an interview earlier this year.
While Store pines to centrally plan the economy, he still has to win an election in September to make it happen. If this voluntary tax scheme was any indicator, the conservative-leaning government currently in charge has some tricks up their sleeves to make it difficult for the leftists to regain control.
Dear God it’s like a dog chasing it’s tail.