Libertarian Party Sides With ANTIFA, Releases Groveling Letter Following Charlottesville

The leftward drift of the Libertarian Party continues at a staggering pace. After failing to achieve relevance last year and capture even 5 percent of the popular vote in the Presidential race, the LP is continuing with the strategy that failed Gary Johnson last year. The plan to water down the principled libertarian message while groveling to the totalitarian left at every turn is still very much at hand.

This is evident from the LP’s official post-Charlottesville statement, which lacked the courage to call out ANTIFA terrorists or their state enablers who sabotaged the proceedings, and instead only rehashed the mainstream media talking points about what happened. It was clear that the LP cares not about the truth of what happened, but only about disingenuous virtue-signaling for good headlines.

“There is no room for racists and bigots in the Libertarian Party. If there are white nationalists who — inappropriately — are members of the Libertarian Party, I ask them to submit their resignations today,” Libertarian National Committee Executive Director Wes Benedict wrote in a rambling screed released the week following “Unite the Right.”

Unlike President Trump, the LP did not have the courage to speak truth to power and defend the rights of the lawful “Unite the Right” protesters wishing to exercise their 1st Amendment rights when it counted. Instead, Benedict took the side of ANTIFA and refused to defend the rights of others, demonstrating clearly that the Libertarian Party will only stand up for your rights up until the point it may offend a leftist.

“The Libertarian Party is tolerant and accepting, supporting civil liberties, gay marriage, and freedom of religion for all, including Jews, Muslims, Christians, and atheists,” Benedict said. “The Libertarian Party supports open borders, civil liberties, racial diversity, and free trade—things that white nationalists abhor.”

It remains to be seen how “gay marriage” will align with “freedom of religion” for Muslims who stand militantly against that practice, but Benedict wasn’t going to let any facts get in the way of spewing his meaningless, hollow platitudes. He did offer the Libertarian solution to the madness presently enveloping America though: Sit on the couch, vote for a party that has never achieved success (usually failing to garner more than 1 percent of the vote), and that will really solve things.

“Race wars, class wars, religious wars, and even foreign wars are not inevitable. Stay home from the protests and check out the Libertarian Party. A more Libertarian America will be a more prosperous, peaceful, and diverse America,” Benedict said.


  1. stick a fork in them! the same crap that ruined the tea party movement has fouled the libertarian party. still watching to see how many of my facebook libertarian pages swallow this crap and try to regurgitate it as gospel!

  2. Light has been shed recently on evidence that suggests Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has been the target of hacking in a surveillance operation led by former CIA Director under Obama John Brennan and James Clapper, Obama’s national intelligence director.

    Justice Roberts, an appointee of former President Bush, has allegedly fallen victim of a greater surveillance operation that had President Trump as its prime target.

    Federal Judge G. Murray Snow released tapes (now stored on a Whistleblower Soundcloud website) that reveal how billionaire builder Timothy Blixseth informed Joe Arpaio, the County Sheriff of Maricopa, and Detective Mike Zullo of Brennan and Clapper’s surveillance operation. The operation’s existence was confirmed both by Wikileaks and by former CIA and NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery. He confirmed working with Clapper and Brennan in the surveillance program.

  3. Light has been shed recently on evidence that suggests Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has been the target of hacking in a surveillance operation led by former CIA Director under Obama John Brennan and James Clapper, Obama’s national intelligence director.

    Justice Roberts, an appointee of former President Bush, has allegedly fallen victim of a greater surveillance operation that had President Trump as its prime target.

    Federal Judge G. Murray Snow released tapes (now stored on a Whistleblower Soundcloud website) that reveal how billionaire builder Timothy Blixseth informed Joe Arpaio, the County Sheriff of Maricopa, and Detective Mike Zullo of Brennan and Clapper’s surveillance operation. The operation’s existence was confirmed both by Wikileaks and by former CIA and NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery. He confirmed working with Clapper and Brennan in the surveillance program.

  4. Standing against racism doesn’t make you pro antifa. They have also spoken in favor of free speech and non violence which would not be in agreement with antifa.

    • When you issue a statement like that and explicitly call out white supremacists, but fail to call out Antifa as well? Come on. Maybe they don’t support them, but they sure as hell aren’t disavowing them.

    • Jason Sopha
      That’s the dumbest comparison ever.

      We’re talking about a specific event involving specific groups. One gets denounced the other isn’t even mentioned.

      Did that cancer comparison really sound that good in your head??

    • To call out one isn’t to “support” the other. Did it say “Antifa is great”?

      2 specific groups, 2 specific diseases. Yeah it compares, they both suck but if I’m talking about cancer I’m talking about cancer.

    • standing against racism ‘with’ antifa gives them credence you may have earned and will lose based on association. i wasn’t a supporter of obama and neither were the skinheads, that doesn’t lump me into being a skinhead, unless i’m out standing with the skinheads.

  5. Ok I was on the fence about abandoning them. This seals it. Fuck em. I’m out.

    I’ll just refer to my political leaning as constitutionalist from now on.

  6. Of most concern to Libertarians should have been the freedom of speech aspect of Charlotteville event. The city and state manipulated the police protection to deny the permit holders their freedom of speech. All the Libertarians addressed was their hatred of the protestors . It was a pathetic demonstration of why the Libertarian Party is headed into the political wilderness and has a grim future.

    • That’s the only place it’s ever been. I ran for office in 1976. Libertarians will never be anything more than they are now.

  7. The Libertarian Party is nothing but a bunch of democrats. Liberty is far from their mindset. They should be boycotted and just classified as treasonous trash.

  8. “We condemn bigotry as irrational and repugnant. Government should – From the LP Platform.

    So now they have abandoned initiation of the use of force and don’t steal or break promises to just “don’t be a bigot”

    The LP just said it is OK to punch a Nazi that hasn’t done anything to hurt you. The letter get worse – if Taxation is theft, immigrants, and especially illegal immigrants who get to share in the ill gotten gain should be condemned if only for that.

    The LP is SJW converged, but even worse seems to be suffering from an imbecility and dementia that even Rothbard, Hoppe, and Block would say a guardian or conservator should be appointed for someone so obviously delusional, insane, and is hurting his or her self because of the irrationality.

    • He never sided with anyone in the article? And I only subscribe to libertarian ideals and as soon as the party stops serving my ideals I would leave.

  9. Honestly, I can understand being tolerant and more accepting, but this? Its like a smack in the face for anyone who carries the weight of trying to spread liberty. This is quite sad, actually.

  10. I don’t see why the party is trying to play party politics. This isn’t about political sides. It’s about trying to bring us together. The party should be embracing both sides, both radical sides, and trying to facilitate a discussion without violence. Stand against the idea of racism while also listening to their point of view. Stand against violence in opposition to a political ideology while listening to these various points of view. Being in favor of free speech means defending their right as an American to say extremely controversial topics – no exceptions. ANTIFA is an organization that uses violence – so are Nazis and white supremacists. These groups should be allowed to spread their ideas and try to convince people without violence. Their ideas will fall apart – no doubt about it – and ultimately their terrible ideas and ideologies will remain fringe and unrealistic.

    • Yeah? Where were they while big government elements such as progressive populists and big government neocons aaand big government alt-righters were taking over the Republican Party? Quietly cowering in the corner because they’re so few and afraid of being plowed down, that’s where. I feel their plight, but it’s passed time to stand up and speak out. Libertarians are cleaning their own house of these elements. Republicans had better look alive and do the same if they want to survive politically.

    • You never had a clue what the Libertarians are. Trump loves the poorly educated.

  11. Why is the Liberty Conservative so afraid of LP success that they have to resort to this sort of garbage?

  12. The Libertarian party was never much. They always lacked the intellect and vision to attack the system in an effective manner. Now, the LP is dead. Not really any great loss.



  14. Shane, are you saying that it’s wrong to condemn racism and bigotry, because that’s taking “the side of Antifa?”

  15. The left-wing war to destroy the west has not in fact ended but merely shifted its strategy. Instead of the workers seizing control of the levers of the economy, the left would now seize control of the levers of the culture – the universities, media, civil service, churches, the legal profession – and subvert them from within, thus far with remarkable success. How? The citizenry prefers to be seduced and entertained – I do not name Hollywood – rather than pay attention to the state of the Republic.

    Douglas MacArthur’s dictum that there is no substitute for victory has been proven repeatedly. Had the US persevered in Korea after 1952, even if it meant the wholesale slaughter of Red Chinese, there would be today no North Korea and the consequences of allowing it to exist. There would probably have been no Vietnamese war. Und So Weiter.

    “Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them…” Lt. Gen. James Mattis, USMC

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