Rand Paul Backs Manny Sethi for U.S. Senate in Tennessee


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has endorsed Manny Sethi for U.S. Senate in Tennessee, according to a report by the Nashville Tennesseean.

“Tennessee deserves a true conservative who supports President Trump, is pro-liberty, and will fight out-of-control federal spending,” Paul stated in his endorsement message. “I believe Dr. Manny is the right choice. Like me, he’s a physician, not another politician. We need more outsiders in Washington, and I’m proud to endorse him today.”

Paul is the highest profile endorsement that Sethi has received so far.

Sethi is running to fill the open Senate seat being vacated by incumbent Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TX), who has announced his retirement from politics after the end of this year. He faces businessman and former U.S. Ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty in the Republican primary, who boasts endorsements from President Donald Trump and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. Hagerty has garnered establishment support given his status as a former ally of Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL). Sethi is running as an anti-establishment candidate, pledging to slash wasteful spending and end illegal immigration.

The Tennessee Republican primary will take place on August 6. It is generally regarded as a safe Republican seat, and there are consequently no high profile contenders currently running in the Democratic primary.

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