A savage assassination attempt which took place on Friday has incapacitated Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), according to a report by the Associated Press.
According to Paul’s Chief of Staff, Doug Stafford, it is “unclear when Paul will return to work since he is in considerable pain and has difficulty getting around, including flying.”
The Senator is currently recovering from “five broken ribs” including “three displaced fractures, which can lead to life-threatening injuries”.
Paul was mowing his lawn in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on Friday afternoon when socialist revolutionary Rene Boucher tackled him from behind, forced him to the ground, and began beating him.
The terror attack committed by Boucher, a proud supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), was politically motivated, according to both sources close to Paul and the FBI, despite reports that Boucher and Paul had an ongoing feud. Boucher’s Facebook profile was dominated by posts criticizing President Donald Trump, suggesting that Paul’s close relationship with the President may have played a part in his motivations. Boucher also frequently shared posts by progressive organization Occupy Democrats, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and anarchist philosopher Noam Chomsky. So far, neither Sanders nor any other leading Democrats have condemned or disavowed Boucher.
The injuries inflicted upon the Kentucky Senator could potentially remove from the forefront of the upcoming debate in the Senate over the Trump administration’s tax reform plan. While Paul has said he generally supports the administration’s efforts on this issue, he has been critical of attempts by Republican leadership in Congress to water down reform proposals.
If the Senator is ultimately forced to resign due to his injuries, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin will be required to appoint a replacement to serve out the rest of Paul’s term, who would then go on to face a special election in November 2018.
No he doesn’t…go read his fb page
His FB page says nothing about the severity of his injuries.
Surely, Rand is tougher than that to let a few broken ribs keep him from protecting the Constitution. Get well soon, Rand.
That’s just not true. He’s fine. He sent out a message
This is not fake news, it is mentioned in the AP source
He is NOT seriously injured … Check Rand’s own Facebook and Twitter Page. Good grief
He does not say anywhere on FB and Twitter he is not seriously injured. He just says he appreciates the support
AP is, largely, fake news.
AP is quoting Rand’s chief of staff, Doug Stafford
If he had serious injuries he wouldn’t be posting on twitter.
Dan Wilson I do not think *serious* means what you think it means
This is fake news
Yup. He’s going back to work this week
Troll for sure.
Are you sure this is true? I’m not finding broken ribs reported anywhere else.
Then the charges against the guy are going to have to be increased.
This is the most uh colorful language I’ve seen used about the incident…
I heard that he was hurt, but not to the extent of this fake shit story.
Every claim made in this story comes from this original AP piece
So, you quote AP? Associated Press is about as biased and bush league as it gets. I saw no mention in that article having to do with him possibly ending his political career and having a replacement appointed by the governor.
The Associated Press loves nothing more than putting some stink on a Republican. The Associated Press is shit.
Rand said he was fine. Check his Twitter account.
He did not say he was fine on Twitter.
Yeah, he did. Yesterday.
I just looked at his Twitter and his Facebook three times. He just thanks his supporters, he does not say he is fine.
They said Boucher was arrested and charged with one count of fourth degree assault – minor injury. He was taken to the nearby Warren County Detention Center, where he was being held on $5,000 bail.
Wow, this is the most extreme post I’ve seen about it. Making it sound like he’s dying.
Tamara Siddiqui This is a separate incident from that. Rand currently has 5 broken ribs from an attack in Bowling Green KY
Dan Wilson I knew you’d have something to say. What’s your deal? You have to comment on everyone who commented. And I am very aware they are separate events. I did not say or imply they were one.
For everyone saying it’s fake here’s a link to the Associated press story.
His injury is NOT life-threatening. It is well under control. While a displaced fracture can cause other life-threatening injuries, this is not the case for Rand Paul’s injury. Please do not hyperbolize this already tragic incident.
I wouldn’t call it much of an exaggeration. The injury may not have been that serious, but the fact that it was as bad as it was reflects on how malicious the attack was.
I agree it was definitely an assassination attempt.
By his next door neighbor apparently? I’m not a doctor, but the AP article does use the phrase potentially life threatening.
IJ Review is also reporting potentially life threatening
Every report I’ve seen says “sustained minor injuries”.
5 broken ribs a minor injury?
Yes. That’s minor.
Painful. But minor.
Yes. That’s minor.
Painful. But minor.
No worse than a bar fight geez
Is this CNN or something?
We need to get all members of Congress state police protections just like the governor gets.
Not the ones fighting the 2 amendment.
Rand had a scratched head and a busted lip I live here in KY he was sucker punched from behind he is fine. Something a liberal would do no surprise. He was a registered demorat is all you need to know but his ass is in jail. Rand was mowing his grass when the jerk done this.
He has 5 broken ribs according to numerous reports
Not heard this Ii will check our local news be back.
Nope just minor injurys its cool my friends not so for the libturd.
Doug Stafford released a statement. 5 fractures ribs and 3 are displaced fractures.
Minor injuries was yesterday’s report. Now we have more details about the situation.
Oh I see I am seeing a new report now it says he does have broken ribs man I hate this.
No longer in jail. And only getting charged with fourth degree assault. Definitely seems like something’s up because God knows if anyone else assaulted a public official like this, they’d be going away for a long time.
Got that right!
Chandler Becker fucked up if true
what the FUCK have they done.
Boutta go Sam Hyde rn.
“Terror attack”? Please.
Dave Drum perhaps you have been hiding behind a rock in the terror attacks on liberty minded and even Republican members of Congress.
Yeh, that’s it.
This article is totally misrepresentative of the linked to articles. The Liberty Conservative has just lost a lot of credibility with me.
The AP report says very clearly that he has potentially life threatening injuries due to the fractures
This is b.s. They don’t do anything for broken ribs most of the time. Sure he will be sore, it will hurt to move around, but he could be back at work tomorrow if he takes it easy.
Dan Wilson let people read the articles and judge for themselves.
“just lost”..hahaha..have you not been paying attention bro? this is a crap rag that distorts everything said..it’s been this way for a long time.
I agree with Aaron. That rag is crap.
Fake news
Yup broken ribs ..
I’ll just wait for Rand Paul HIMSELF to tell us how he is !!!
Now he sees what’s really going on in the real world.
Click bait. He has 5 broken ribs. That is not life threatening
master click-baiting nonsense. Rand will be fine. He has to be. I cannot see him sitting on the sidelines. He will be doing all within his power to get back up. The damn neocons in this State would love for him to get out of the way.
When did his minor injuries become life threatening?
John Danielson wtf
This isn’t true
This article is contradictory to the one that appeared on Sat. morning on TV news which said that Rand Paul’s injuries are minor and he is fine. The Sat. article did say that the perpetrator is Rand Paul’s neighbor. So whom to believe??
According to the news report I read yesterday, he has 5 broken ribs.
5 broken ribs is bad. Even one, it is bad. Even one crack rib is dangerously serious. You can hardly breath.
Time to eradicate these leftist fucks!
This is what evil Democrats (redundent) do.
Oh stop it! Geez!
What can we say? Rand was the best warrior for individual freedom. I would hope all “Conservatives” reading this will look more closely at Rand’s “Libertarian-ish” views and help us carry on his fight while he recovers.
Rand Paul reminded me of McCain! A pain in the ass for personal reasons! It might be better for him to take a vacation!
No that would be your personal favorite Socialist Bernie!
Another pathetic TWIT
Blocking pathetic troll.
Fake. Couple ribs
I wish him a quick recovery!!!! God bless!!!
Rand get well soon! You’re the only politician with any integrity in Washington and are irreplaceable. Rand Paul for President 2020.
I like Rand a lot. I like Massie more. Amash is good as well.
Oh, I did forget about Justin Amash. Yeah, I think he’s a decent guy as well.
Now he is earning his stripes.. can Marco Rubio be next.. ??
I’m not surprised this story is blown out of proportion. The major clue is the source, the AP.
Broken ribs is far from life threatening
What?! Yesterday they were saying it wasn’t serious!
this headline is so stupid lol
Post like these should automatically be held liable & a lawsuit filed against them for LYING!! Then hopefully it would STOP ALL of this FAKE NEWS CRAP!!
I’ve met the guys who run this site. Super disappointed with this click bait
The most amazing thing to me is aside from the violence, Rand Paul mows his own yard. I don’t think there is another US Senator who does that. Rand really is just like everyone else.
The pussy lives in a gated community lol
Biggest pussy ever…. assassination attempt? Career ending rib injury? You guys are the biggest snowflakes I’ve ever met. All this dude does his flip flop and raise money for election, you guys make democrats look like MS13. My man probably gave him the ol’ Goldberg tackle because he’s trying to cut the regulations on his clean air and water. Terror attack!?!?! Hahahaha my nephew must be the new head of ISIS the way he is tackling the kids in his pee wee league.
You pathetic TWIT
Troll block.
The constant drone of anti-Trump narrative that the Media drills into it’s listeners is probably responsible for the anger built-up in the attacker. With all the hate and protesting going on, the U.S. is beginning to look like an uncivilized country. It is not for us to judge Senator Paul’s injuries. Praying that he heals well and soon.
Hopefully the man that attacked Rand paul gets charged with attempted murder. That was uncalled for. Rand Paul is a True Supporter of the Constitution and our Country!
The first shot has fired and the war has started
There is no war. Stop it.
Clickkkkkkk baittttttttt
Odd I have not seen this reported.
I’m a Liberal Democrat and huge Bernie Sanders supporter but what this guy did was wrong! You just don’t do stuff like that no matter how much you disagree with a man’s politics. I feel bad that this happened to him and I hope he’s ok and I wish him a speedy recovery. It would be a shame though if he has to resign because that’s this man’s career and it will seem as if this person achieved their goal in attacking him.
Thank you for your honesty & coming forward!
It ain’t “honesty”, it is gullibility…there is a sucker born every minute. Why not wait for the facts before everybody gets their panties in a wad.
As “a Liberal Democrat and huge Bernie Sanders supporter”, you sure do assume a lot based on NO information. Considering that, and I am going waaaaayyy out on a limb here, but my bet is that you probably voted for Trump in the general! Say it ain’t so!
When it became unpopular to be found out as a member of the Communist Party of America, members joined the rank and file of the Democrat Party. There lies the reason for thuggery, lies, and violence coming from the Democrat Party liberals. And most of the MSM is an arm of the Democrat Party. Communists love to control the media.
damocrats need to go, their not working like My President Trump for the love of America and it people the danocrats all are above the lar, At a time like this they just do not gave a dam about America and it people all set up by the last 4. anti. American presidents all are low life loser, still working to take out America, but have to fight we the people and The Greats President this Country will ever see or have seen, and thee low life loser can not stand to be out done, by a Real Man for His Love for America and it People. God Bless You President Trump, and for you damocrats and the last sorry ass loser, you know were you can go, you gave them the power so just pack you bag and head for NK were you belong, or Iran. you bush low life also get the hell out of America
It’s time to get a real, nasty AG. If not, then, pretty soon, it won’t be safe for Americans to walk the streets of this great country. Let’s get an AG that will help MAGA.
Rand Paul, injured by a “non-violent” liberal!
The perp needs deep investigation for ties to organizations that would profit from Paul being excluded from legislative work. This investigation should be taken up by a conservative organization as the FBI and police cannot be trusted to come to an impartial decision or investigation.
Really? A friend who stopped by earlier today said his friend, a WKU grad, heard that Rand Paul was having affair with the neighbor Boucher’s wife and that’s why he got cold-cocked. That makes a lot more sense than this conspiracy theory stuff about his neighbor suddenly becoming so distraught with Rand’s political ideology that he just attacked him while he was mowing his grass.
How is it that the real “gun nuts”, left wing nut jobs like Devin Kelley and this antifa “doctor” Destructo Boucher get to create as much mayhem as possible, yet the Demo-rats in Congress still think they need to take the right of self-defense away from law-abiding conservatives? You can’t make up the hypocrisy of the Left in America, reality is stranger than fiction…
When it became unpopular to be found out as a member of the Communist Party of America, members joined the rank and file of the Democrat Party. There lies the reason for thuggery, lies, and violence coming from the Democrat Party liberals. And most of the MSM is an arm of the Democrat Party. Communists love to control the media and spew their propaganda.
Who to believe, have read no serious injury, simple assault arrest of the jerk . Now you say he has broken ribs etc. Getting so you can’t believe anything in print or on the web.
Twice in the course of several months the same U.S. Senator is in the cross hairs of a politically motivated deadly attack? (But the target is a Republican)
If ever, EVER – EVEN ONE TIME, EVER, a Trump supporter got a stone’s throw away from a leading Democratic Party or left-wing ideologue leader with an apparently violent gesture of possible attack, you know – YOU KNOW – the left-wing press would be harping on it daily for more than a month.
(I believe that Left-wing ideologues have most of the power in both of the major political party leadership apparatus level and each of these operatives deserves death.
Two attempts on Rands life within 4 months!!!! Open your eyes guys, the marxists dont care about rule of law or having rational debate, if they dont get what they want they will simply seize it by force. Prepare yourself accordingly.
Why no link to Boucher’s Facebook page? Maybe it doesn’t say what you claim it says.