Rand Paul Stands With Trump Again, Dismisses Drama From Establishment Republican Senators

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has emerged as one of Trump’s most trustworthy confidants in recent weeks. Paul went on “Fox and Friends” to discuss problems that Trump is having with Republican senators.

“I’m not here to criticize any of them really for what they think is the best way but I think actually that it would be better if we concentrate on policy because I think people at home would like a tax cut,” Paul said, referring to remarks made by departing Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Bob Corker (R-TN) deriding the President.

Although Paul was diplomatic in how he approached the conflict, it is clear that Paul wants the petty personal attacks to be ceased and for the Senate to get hard at work actually solving problems for the American people.

“People at home would like to keep American jobs here and try to lower corporate taxes so those companies don’t go overseas. I think to the American people, that is more important than all the personalities. This is more of like a People Magazine saga. And it really ought to be more about policy and what is the best way to lead the country,” Paul said.

As Flake and Corker plan to run away with their tails between their legs next year, Paul is rolling up his sleeves and getting into gear. Paul had serious spats with Trump throughout 2015 and 2016 as they fought each other bitterly on the campaign trail, but both men were able to put that nastiness behind them. They have since been able to rekindle their relationship, and this relationship came to fruition when the men collaborated on a healthcare executive order to give free market relief to consumers.

“When you got Rand Paul on your side, it has to be positive,” Trump said as the executive order was signed.

Paul has figured out the correct way of dealing with Trump while his soon-to-be former colleagues, Flake and Corker, have just wilted under the pressure.


  1. “This is more of like a People Magazine saga. And it really ought to be more about policy and what is the best way to lead the country,” Paul said. Good read.

  2. Rand is watching career after career get destroyed, of people who are actively undermining Trump and spreading lies. Rather than take that route, Rand knows that Trump actually stands a chance of passing Fed audits and things like that, so the best way to help make that happen is by trying to befriend Trump. Makes sense.

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