A seismic earthquake hit Alabama’s elections on Tuesday. Former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Roy Moore primary challenged incumbent Senator Luther Strange, and in doing so he took on the entire Republican establishment – from Mitch McConnell, to Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and even the NRA – and won. Judge Moore accomplished this despite being outspent by a more than 10-to-1 margin.
Roy Moore’s victory is proof that big money and national endorsements don’t matter, what matters are the issues and the record that a candidate runs on. And there’s no doubt that Judge Moore’s hard right bona fides are unquestionable.
Moore is best known for being removed as Alabama Supreme Court’s Chief Justice for standing up to federal judicial tyranny – not once, but twice.
The first time was over a giant statue of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court – without telling the other 8 Justices, mind you. Then, when the United States Supreme Court ordered him to remove it – he refused!
The second time Moore was removed as Chief Justice was in 2016 after he ordered Alabama’s probate justices to defy the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage.
Every clear-thinking conservative, libertarian, and constitutionalist should have come to the same conclusion as Moore did in these cases: that it is not proper for the federal courts to legislate from the bench on these key issues. It is best to leave issues of marriage, Ten Commandments, etc. to state and local governments.
Judge Moore is also famous (or infamous depending on who you ask) for penning an article for WorldNetDaily entitled “Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit In Congress.” As you can imagine, the article targeting the radical black Muslim Congressman from Minnesota was incendiary, especially to the cosmopolitan elites who would love to turn America into a propositional country.
In the article, Judge Moore wrote the following:
“In 1943, we would never have allowed a member of Congress to take their oath on ‘Mein Kampf,’ or someone in the 1950s to swear allegiance to the ‘Communist Manifesto.’ Congress has the authority and should act to prohibit Ellison from taking the congressional oath today!”
Of course, this should be rather obvious to anyone who wishes to preserve America as a predominantly Anglo, European, and Christian nation – we cannot reconcile a violent Eastern religion like Islam with our Western Christian identity.
And this is Judge Moore’s greatest quality: his willingness to defend America’s national identity no matter the cost to him personally and professionally.
This quality of Moore’s has also shown through in his willingness to tackle the immigration issue. In this latest campaign for Senate, not only has he consistently opposed any amnesty for illegal immigrants (including DACA), but he has also supported halving legal immigration by passing the RAISE Act. And on the campaign trail, Moore used this issue as a wedge to attack the kleptocratic Chamber of Commerce.
Predictably, Judge Moore also has an excellent record on other issues related to our national identity. For example, Judge Moore was too pro-gun for the sellouts at the National Rifle Association – instead, he earned an endorsement from the much more principled Gun Owners of America.
And now that he’s won the Republican primary in such commanding fashion, he is practically a shoe-in for the general election. As Stephen Colbert joked, Roy Moore will be the next Senator from Alabama “unless Democrats nominate a statue to the Confederate flag.”
A victory for me.