Sen. Rand Paul Talks Health Care Compromise After Golf Outing with Trump

After completing a widely publicized golf outing with President Trump, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is moderating his stance regarding the full repeal of Obamacare. Instead of demanding for subsidies to be fully repealed, Paul indicated that he would settle for a mere reduction in subsidies to make a passable bill.

“I think the compromise could be keeping some of the underlying payments in Obamacare, some small percentage of them, in order to placate the people who want that, but not affirmatively putting it in the bill,” Paul said. “Conservatives want 100 percent repeal, let’s say moderates want 80 percent repeal. Let’s vote on 90 percent repeal and be done with it.”

The Freedom Caucus has already dropped its list of demands down only to basic cost-cutting measures. An NBC News report claims that Vice President Mike Pence’s compromise plan on health care allays the primary concerns of the Freedom Caucus. It appears that both sides are moving closer together after a tumultuous week following the failure of the American Health Care Act.

Last week, President Trump set off a firestorm of Tweets and threats that caused rifts within the conservative movement before having a golf outing with Senator Paul. Freedom Caucus members are undeterred by Trump’s harsh rhetoric and are still pitching ideas to create a better solution for this crucial issue.

“I will vote for the health care bill in its current form if a States Rights’ amendment is added that gives states the absolute right to determine for themselves the content and coverages in health insurance policies issued to its citizens,” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said in a Monday press release.

As legislators continue to maneuver in Washington DC, the Liberty Conservative will bring you the latest updates on the health care debate and how it dovetails into the liberty movement.

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