Senator Ted Cruz Comes Out Against Cassidy-Graham, Says Mike Lee Is With Him!


Republicans currently are mounting a last minute effort to ram through any legislation attacking the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, but it isn’t going so well. Moderates and constitutional conservatives are both souring on the legislation, and its chances of passage have never looked worse.

As is the story with previous attempts, moderates are concerned it goes too far and conservatives feel it hasn’t gone far enough toward repealing Obamacare. The big tent is not helping the GOP make America great again. Republicans have little room for loss and have already lost too much.

Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and John McCain (R-AZ) have already come out publicly against the legislation offering different rationales for why they opposed it, which leaves Republicans with no room for loss.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) has previously stated she’s likely against and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is widely expected to follow suit. If these two do indeed follow through on their predicted behavior, the current attempt to hit at Obamacare is likely dead.

Another blow to the Cassidy-Graham bill comes from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who delivers news to the media that he and a prominent colleague will be voting against the measure. According to a tweet from Texas Tribune reporter Patrick Svitek, Cruz stated they don’t have his vote and he claims that Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is standing with him against the legislation.

With just Sens. Paul, McCain and Cruz opposing the measure from the constitutional conservative bloc in the Senate, that makes Graham-Cassidy dead on arrival. Unless things change in the next week, it will be another failure on behalf of the young President and the party establishment is working alongside. It remains to be seen if these votes can be swayed, and how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will proceed at that point.

Chris Dixon is a liberty activist and writer from Maine. In addition to being Managing Editor for the Liberty Conservative, he also writes the Bangor Daily News blog "Undercover Porcupine" and for sports website Cleatgeeks.


  1. So with Rand, Cruz, Lee , and McCain voting no, dead its dead in the water. Maybe we should just try a step at a time to change it, this rush to push it on party lines is going nowhere. Push for expanding savings accounts, buying insurance across state lines, being able to buy drugs internationally, ect. Try to get some bi partisanship

  2. does the congress have mad cow disease or WHAT.
    repeal completely.. give it a death DATE Like april 1 2018..
    we have had enough hearings to kill all the bandeto’s in mexico.. Kill what is broke and fix healthcare for those who are too sick to buy it.
    allow folks to buy beetles instead of rolls royces… ObamaCare did not do one thing right..
    the only part that was/is right is the provision of MEDICAID for those who can not buy.. lots of folks need that net.. lots of folks have mental issues because school systems had the kids doped up on ritalin or other mind altering drugs.
    kids by nature move around… those that do not are just exceptional and should thank god..

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