Spokesman of the Cuban Libertarian Party Kidnapped by State Police

According to Zach Foster, International Libertarian activist, the Cuban Libertarian Party spokesman Nelson Rodriguez Chartrand was kidnapped by the Cuban Police. the State Security shows he is not in the records. Chartrand will either be held hostage or sent to the gulag. According to Mises Cuba, “Chartrand was scheduled to meet up at the Benjamin Franklin Libertarian Library but never made it.”  This is not uncommon and is actually a norm for the state’s treatment of political prisoners.

In fact, the Cuban Libertarian Party (Partido Libertario Cubano- Jose Marti) was founded after two members of Mises Cuba were arrested for promoting free markets, small governments, and freedom. According to Tho Bishop, Director of Social Media Marketing at the Mises Institute:

“[Ubaldo Herrera] Hernandez, who also oversees the Benjamin Franklin Libertarian Library project, was charged with the crime of “attack”, a common charge for political opponents. According to Mises Cuba and the PanAmPost, Hernandez was arrested after refusing to show ID to an undercover officer working for state security forces.”

The Chair of the Libertarian National Committee has come out in defense of the two activists and said: “Hernandez and Velazquez are political prisoners whose actions have harmed no one and damaged no property. We stand in solidarity with our fellow freedom fighters in Cuba.”

A further message from the Libertarian Party States:

“The Libertarian National Committee of the United States condemns the arrest and detention of political dissidents Ubaldo Herrera Hernandez and Manuel Velazquez, who have been detained by the Cuban government since their arrest on February 2.”

Minutes after the passing of Fidel Castro, many world leaders came out to praise the communist dictator, and now – with a little exposure – we are coming to see the realities that these brave Cubans face.

You can message the Cancilleria de Cuba on Facebook or tweet them at @CubaMINREX. Right now letting them know that the world is watching could potentially help. Often it is public exposure that can stop the abuse of civil liberties or actually save lives.

Diego Rivera is a first generation Cuban-American. An Army Veteran who later graduated from Montclair State University with a degree in Psychology and worked in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab in the Microbiology Department. In 2016 he ran for Congress under the Libertarian Party and also campaigned for Rand Paul's Senate campaign.


  1. According to Zach Foster, International Libertarian activist, the Cuban Libertarian Party spokesman Nelson Rodriguez Chartrand was kidnapped by the Cuban Police. the State Security shows he is not in the records. Chartrand will either be held hostage or sent to the gulag. According to Mises Cuba, “Chartrand was scheduled to meet up at the Benjamin Franklin Libertarian Library but never made it.” This is not uncommon and is actually a norm for the state’s treatment of political prisoners.

    In fact, the Cuban Libertarian Party (Partido Libertario Cubano- Jose Marti) was founded after two members of Mises Cuba were arrested for promoting free markets, small governments, and freedom.

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