The political world has been shaken and turned upside down by the wave of sexual misconduct allegations facing both parties. From Representatives John Conyers and Trent Franks to Senator Al Franken, both political parties have been faced with enormous scandals. The proper course of action at this point would be to address the issue directly
MoreThe ongoing saga surrounding sexual misconduct in Washington D.C. has put the entire city in a difficult position. While Republicans have previously had candidates and politicians face allegations, the floodgates are opening up on Democrats. One of the most prominent examples is Congressman John Conyers, a prominent career politician who was considered a major leader
MoreCongressman John Conyers has announced the conclusion to a long political career on bad terms. After serving more than five decades and becoming one of the most prominent elected Democrats and a civil rights icon, he was forced out of his post after multiple allegations of misconduct surfaced. Conyers’ career began back in the fifties
MoreRep. John Conyers (D-CA), who is being pressured to resign after allegations of sexual impropriety have emerged, is a long-time favorite of the drug legalization movement funded by socialist billionaire George Soros. Conyers received the Justice Gerald Le Dain Award for Achievement in the Field of Law from the Soros-backed Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) in
MoreCongressman John Conyers (D-MI) has become the center of the congressional sexual assault controversy amidst multiple allegations and revelations that he used taxpayer dollars to settle his own cases. Now another former staffer has come forward, this time former deputy chief of staff Deanna Maher. Maher ran Conyers’ Detroit field office from 1997 to 2005.