Neoconservative Senator John McCain (R-AZ), a nemesis of President Donald Trump, received boos at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit when his name was mentioned by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as an individual who derailed Trump’s Obamacare repeal efforts. “The reason we didn’t repeal is because we have six or seven Republican senators who
MoreAs a retired military veteran, it has hurt me and countless others to see what this government has done to veterans in the area of healthcare. Those that are disabled and need to go to the VA are brushed off, forced to wait up to six months for care, or totally ignored all together. Under
MoreNews first broke about America’s Niger misadventure on October 4. “The real news here is that the US has forces in Niger, where they’re conducting covert operations,” this writer tweeted out. “Hashtag America First.” Official media ignored the ambush of the American Special Forces, until the story gained anti-Trump traction. No word came from Sen.
MoreRep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is concerned about the failing health of his colleague, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Once celebrated as one of America’s greatest war heroes, McCain’s faculties have been visibly slipping away from him in recent years, and he has gone from being a symbol of national pride to an embarrassing laughingstock. Ever since
MoreSen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has laid out his precondition for negotiation on the Graham-Cassidy health care reform bill in a Sunday interview with the Washington Post. The Senator has declared he will consider backing the bill if the block grants given to the states by it were substantially lowered. “Would I talk to them if they
MoreJohn McCain and his tumor-ridden shell of a body giddily cast the deciding vote killing “skinny repeal” yesterday. In doing so, Traitor McCain cemented his legacy of treason and undermining his constituents wishes whilst simultaneously making President Trump’s path going forward infinitely more difficult. This is truly a record he and the Viet Cong communists
MoreDespite all of the wackiness going on in Washington D.C. right now, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has not lost sight of what is important. Indefinite detention of any American citizen deemed a terrorist by the federal government was codified into law in the 2012 NDAA signed by former President Obama, and remains in effect today.
MoreSen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has played a very nuanced game regarding health care negotiations. After positioning himself for months as the leading hard-liner for Obamacare repeal, Paul eventually conceded to allow debate and voted affirmatively on a lackluster bare-bones repeal that failed this morning. His manuevering ultimately paid off, as neoconservatives were ultimately for stopping
MoreCindy McCain, the wife of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), is joining Trump’s State Department as the “U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Human Rights”, according to a report by The Daily Beast. Her appointment was pushed by Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, who had been impressed by Cindy’s work on humanitarian issues, which Ivanka is focusing on as part
MoreNeoconservatives could not be happier after President Trump bombed Syria last night in a retaliatory measure against President Bashir Al-Assad for alleged chemical attacks that were released on video for the world to see. “This is the challenge of Bashar al-Assad and then we’ve also got ISIS, so we’ve also got ISIS so we’ve got
MoreSecretary of State Rex Tillerson has indicated that regime change is no longer the official policy regarding Syria, where embattled President Bashar Al-Assad is fighting a civil war against ISIS and other Islamist factions. This is a serious departure in policy from the Obama/Hillary/Neocon doctrine of nation-building and extreme militarism, and Sen. John McCain is
MoreHitler’s 1923 coup attempt, best known as the Beer Hall Putsch, was only a nominal failure. The immediate result was his arrest, trial, and conviction, though his sentence was barely carried out. The long-term effect was to inspire in him the belief that power is best achieved through engagement with the ruling regime and existing
MoreDonald Trump announced this morning that he will nominate ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. But Trump can’t expect to get Tillerson’s nomination through the Senate without a fight. In the days leading up to Trump’s official announcement, the Senate’s leading neocons – Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, and John McCain – all expressed