Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is currently in the Maltese capital of Valetta, and has met with the President of the country, according to a report by Lovin Malta. President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, of the center-left Labour Party, met with the Senator briefly earlier today. The President then shared some photos of her meeting with Sen.
MoreThe suspense is over. Marine Le Pen, the so-called “far-right” nationalist seeking to win the French presidency, has been defeated by EU suck-up sycophant Emmanuel Macron. The French voters were given a stark choice between the centrist Macron and the populist Le Pen: Continue following the path of cultural suicide – all the while expecting
MoreAlthough Trump has already bombed Syria and is posturing aggressively on Iran and North Korea, recent comments indicate that he will be taking a less militarist stance on Libya. He announced at a press conference that he sees no further role for the United States regarding the African nation. “I do not see a (US)