Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) is one of the most conservative members of the House, serving in the chamber’s controversial Freedom Caucus that has stopped many profligate bills and made many waves in Washington D.C. Bridenstine may get the opportunity to take his talents to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as he was named
MorePresident Donald Trump is reportedly set to backtrack on his past support for opening up diplomacy with Cuba, and instead bring back aspects of the 54 year long embargo against the island nation. According to Fox News, he will announce this policy shift during a speech in Miami on Friday. Trump is likely to close the U.S.
MoreDonald Trump announced this morning that he will nominate ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. But Trump can’t expect to get Tillerson’s nomination through the Senate without a fight. In the days leading up to Trump’s official announcement, the Senate’s leading neocons – Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, and John McCain – all expressed
MoreWhen Australian computer programmer, publisher, and journalist Julian Assange founded WikiLeaks in 2006, he wrote a piece titled “Conspiracy as Governance” in which he outlined his plan to target and destroy what he calls a true conspiracy: the political party. “Consider what would happen if one of these parties gave up their mobile phones, fax
MoreAmerica faces a serious choice in 2016. The question is a simple one. Do we continue or expand upon the policies of Barack Obama, or do we make a decisive choice to step away from the abyss and back into the light of freedom and justice by renewing the promise of a new American century?
MoreMuch of the libertarian interest in next week’s Iowa Caucuses is focused on Rand Paul – and rightfully so. Since his apparent decision to drop the middle-of-the-road rhetoric and go full libertarian early this year in the face of declining money and support, many of his father’s sidelined activists have taken renewed interest in his
MoreAs we approach tonight’s Republican debate, sure to be a spectacle similar to the last three awkward attempts to manage the political equivalent of a starting football lineup, it’s worth mentioning that debates don’t have to be this way. Late last week Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal challenged Senator Ted Cruz to debate Obamacare mano y
MoreOne of the major issues that has caused a divide of late in the Republican presidential field is the granting of fast track authority to the Obama administration to negotiate the Trans Pacific Partnership. Earlier tonight, Senator Rand Paul came out against granting Obama fast track authority. Paul told that “the Trans Pacific Partnership