Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) revealed on Twitter that former Vice President Joe Biden ordered the unmasking of General Mike Flynn’s private conversation with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, after requesting the names of the Obama administration officials involved from Director of National Intelligence Rich Grenell. “Declassified documents reveal V.P. Biden ordered the unmasking
MoreSen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has suggested that former President Barack Obama “knew about the corruption” of Hunter Biden while in office, during a Wednesday appearance on Fox News. “There’s been rumors for quite a while that people within the Obama administration knew about the corruption problems with Hunter Biden, that they warned the Vice President
MoreThe British government is facing a controversy surrounding the decision that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle will invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding ceremony but that President Trump won’t make the invite list. Such a royal snub may trigger relations between the two ‘Special Relationship’ allies to waver even more. “Harry has
MoreChanges to the presidency in recent memory have often meant a shift in ideology. Former President Bill Clinton was a liberal Democrat, but George W. Bush was a neoconservative. The most recent member of the ex-presidents’ club, Barack Obama, began as a progressive Democrat before finding his way to the establishment. While initially staying quiet,
MoreImpeachment is a powerful tool within the Constitution. The Constitution features a series of checks and balances to keep the branches in order, but impeachment allows for the direct removal of officials from government. So why isn’t it used? With the exception of former President Bill Clinton, there has been no use of the process
MoreA scandal that rocked the Internal Revenue Service and the political right was frequently brushed aside by Democrats. The view of the Democratic Party and its aligned politicians was that it was a politically motivated attack that was overblown for partisan purposes. While they were right about it being politically motivated, it was only partisan
MoreThere are many different sides that need to be looked at in relation to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and questions that must be answered. One question that has not been answered is: why are the beneficiaries of DACA called “Dreamers” by the media and progressive socialists pushing it forward? Could it
MorePresident Donald Trump was ridiculed mercilessly by the mainstream media after he declared that he was wiretapped by his predecessor in the lead-up to his epic electoral showdown with Hillary Clinton last year. “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
MoreAccording to reports last week, it looks as though President Trump may be planning to cancel former President Obama’s executive order that created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants work visas to 886,000 illegal immigrants and protects them from deportation. Trump had railed hard against DACA during his campaign for the presidency,
MoreThe eternal lament of old timers is, “Young people these days,” and not without good reason. What one generation tolerates in moderation, the next will embrace to excess, or so I’ve heard it said. The Greatest Generation had to deal with their children being pot-smoking, long-haired hippies, neither of which are cardinal sins these days,
MoreIn the west, people tend to have short memories. Typically this isn’t a problem because most lapses in memory tend to be centered around the mundane: Where you left your car keys, picking up the dry-cleaning, the date of your third cousin’s wedding to the Shriner who resembles Dwight Yoakam, only uglier – if you
MoreThe suspense is over. Marine Le Pen, the so-called “far-right” nationalist seeking to win the French presidency, has been defeated by EU suck-up sycophant Emmanuel Macron. The French voters were given a stark choice between the centrist Macron and the populist Le Pen: Continue following the path of cultural suicide – all the while expecting
MoreThe first one hundred days of a new president’s presidency is a media gimmick created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. I’ll skip right to the important part: It was a crock of shit then and it’s an even bigger crock of shit now. It’s an artifice meant to distract from more important things, such
MoreHitler’s 1923 coup attempt, best known as the Beer Hall Putsch, was only a nominal failure. The immediate result was his arrest, trial, and conviction, though his sentence was barely carried out. The long-term effect was to inspire in him the belief that power is best achieved through engagement with the ruling regime and existing
MoreAs the Democratic establishment and liberal activists across the country march in the streets and flood airports in protest of President Donald Trump’s immigration and national security policies, many fail to realize their complacency in what has taken place over the course of the last eight years. While in office, President Obama drastically expanded his
More“There’s been a lot of talk in the media of the responsibility to hold Donald Trump accountable, and I’m here to tell you that it goes two ways. We’re going to hold the press accountable as well.” – Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary Spicer’s comments came a day after President Donald Trump’s historic inauguration while
MoreYesterday was the last full day of the Obama regime. When historians look back on the years 2009 – 2017, many (the honest ones at least) will scratch their heads in varying degrees of bewilderment and confusion. “Why,” they will ask themselves, “did so many vote against their own self-interest, the interests of their nation
MoreTry as he might to salvage what’s left of his tarnished legacy, President Obama can’t seem to avoid humiliating himself on his way out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. A year or two ago it became painfully apparent that George W. Bush was no longer a viable excuse for Mr. Obama’s own failings and since that
MoreA few days ago, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on Capitol Hill to pay homage to outgoing Senator Harry Reid. It should have been a happy occasion; Senator Reid’s tenure in congress has been a blight on our nation for decades, we should celebrate his departure from government. But instead, Mrs. Clinton took it as
MorePresident Barack Obama might be on his way out, but the media’s relentless favoritism remains unchecked. In a recent interview for Rolling Stone, exiting Commander in Chief Obama told reporters he believes current federal marijuana laws are “untenable.” Adding that, while he has always stood by the notion that substance abuse should always be discouraged,
MoreAmid a torrent of rumors surrounding the allegedly chaotic Trump transition, there have been some glimmers of hope emerging from the fledgling ascendance of the Manhattanite billionaire to the halls of power in Washington, DC. Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, has taken the reins of the transition process and his first order of business was to
MoreIt is a phrase that has become prominently featured in the debate over illegal immigration – some illegal immigrant students across the country have even begun referring to themselves as “undocumented and unafraid,” demonstrating that they are here both here illegally and do not fear punishment for their violation of federal law. The idea of
MoreLate yesterday afternoon, the Senate voted on 4 separate gun related amendments to the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Act. The four amendments, two sponsored by Republicans and two sponsored by Democrats, were each voted down largely along party lines. The legislation followed a week that started with a shooting in Orlando, Florida that left
MoreIt’s For Your Own Good Elected on a wave of goodwill, hope and change, the Obama administration sought out opportunities to not only “fundamentally transform America,” but to “restore America’s standing in the world.” These efforts included changes to the ways the administration addressed both allies and enemies alike. High up on the Obama regime’s
MoreMost of the recent discussion surrounding Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) has focused on the overwhelming distrust of the President from, well, pretty much everyone. Many fear that the President plans to use trade agreement back-doors to compromise US sovereignty and ram through environmental and immigration policies that would not have a chance of making it
MoreThe Far Left and the Far Right finally have something to agree on: opposition to the package of legislative endeavors leading up to what has been dubbed “Obamatrade”. The issue has given rise to the most bizarre coalitions, with Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee joining Harry Reid and Elizabeth Warren in opposing the deal,
MoreNobody thought that former US Representative Ron Paul would show up in Iowa this week to stump with his son, Kentucky Senator and likely 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul; but when Rand took the stage to deliver the keynote at an “Audit the Fed” rally hosted by Liberty Iowa, there was a whole lot of
MoreA couple weeks ago, President Obama announced that he would disregard the Constitutional process and grant executive amnesty to over five million illegal immigrants living in the states, surprising exactly no one. Equally predictable was the conservative uproar, and the ensuing accusations of racism from the Left. Much of the conservative reaction rightly centered on
More“The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.” As a young man growing up in a conservative home in the ‘90s, I must have heard this cliché thrown around by liberals a thousand times. I really never gave it much thought. Even though my family often toed the poverty line, we worked hard to
MoreIndependence Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. In fact, if Thanksgiving didn’t land squarely on the intersection of food, football, hunting, colorful leaves, hoodies, and cool weather, the 4th of July would be the undisputed champion of my holiday list. Independence Day is one of only a couple holidays that hasn’t yet