“When you got Rand Paul on your side, it has to be positive,” President Donald Trump said yesterday after announcing executive orders designed to increase access to association health plans while allowing competition across state lines. Trump isn’t stopping there. Emboldened by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Trump is now threatening to cut off subsidy payments
MorePresident Trump announced on Friday that he will nominate former Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) as President and Chairman of the Export-Import Bank. The Ex-Im Bank subsidizes the financing of U.S. exports, and has been criticized by free market organizations for benefiting special interests such as Boeing and General Electric. During his time in Congress, Garrett was well respected
MoreJames J. Hill is unquestionably one of the greatest entrepreneurs in American history. This past weekend marked the 100th anniversary of his passing. He is best remembered for the successful construction of the only transcontinental railroad to not go bankrupt. He didn’t accept government subsidies, and argued eloquently against his competitors who did: “The government