Apoplectic, near universal condemnation was the reaction to the Nashville Statement, the dry reminder that, to Christians, homosexual acts are sinful, that two men cannot be married to one another, and that a man who thinks he is a woman is a man. Yet when the kumbaya crowd heard these things, it was as if
MoreOur once great nation is overflowing with poseurs who make believe they’re fighting the good fight against an uneducated army of Philistines, that is, anyone who votes Republican. And so, the myth goes, without the posturing of pawns in entertainment, news media, social media, politics and government, the least fortunate and most misunderstood among us
MoreOn a variety of issues ranging from same-sex marriage to transgenderism to Islam, the Left has called for a more informed and accepting public. On one issue, however, it seems to benefit them to keep the public in the dark: firearms and the second amendment. Passing modern gun-control schemes such as an ‘assault weapons’ ban
MoreThe following may seem a little harsh, but please keep in mind that everything I’m about to write is out of genuine concern for our friends on the left, particularly those of the millennial generation. They say children are our future and with that in mind, I’ve become increasingly concerned about the mental health and