Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives Rick Saccone and his wife Yong Saccone chat with supporters at a fundraiser at Southpointe Golf Club in Canonsburg, Pa., on Feb. 28.

The Liberty Conservative Endorses Rick Saccone In PA-18 Special Election


The Liberty Conservative has announced its endorsement of Pennyslvania State Rep. Rick Saccone in the special election for Pennsylvania’s 18th congressional district.

Saccone, who served as a principled conservative and a champion of limited government in the state legislature, defeated two establishment Republicans opponents to clinch the nomination, and now faces Clinton ally Conor Lamb. While Saccone boasts the backing of President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and the Club for Growth, Clinton-connected megadonors are pouring millions of dollars into Lamb’s candidacy, hoping to inflict a blow to President Trump before the mid-term elections.

Although Lamb masquerades as a moderate Democrat, his support for higher taxes, restrictions on our Second Amendment rights, and abortion on demand makes his true ideology very clear, and leading Democrats and hard-left groups have predictably lined up behind him.

Meanwhile, a piece by Politico yesterday suggests that the failed Republican congressional leadership is only giving him half-hearted support, after failing to install either of their preferred swamp candidates as the party nominee. GOP elites are mentioned as criticizing Saccone as a candidate with an “amateur-style social media feed” with “low-quality videos of him at a local bar”, and juxtaposing it against his “Ivy League-educated 33-year-old” Democratic opponent. It is evident that those who benefit from business as usual on both sides of the aisle don’t want to see Saccone elected, and are employing many of the same condescending criticisms as were unsuccessfully leveled against President Donald Trump, who ultimately won this district by 20 points in 2016. This makes it all the more imperative that conservatives, populists, and constitutionalists line up behind Saccone’s candidacy, as the Republican establishment will not hesitate to blame him should they not succeed.

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