Photo taken by Jeff Ooi. Posted to,

The Usual Suspects: President Trump’s Left-wing Opponents Astroturfed ‘Tax March’ Rallies

Yesterday, a series of rallies took place throughout the country to protest President Donald Trump’s unreleased tax returns. While this has been a non-issue for many months now for most Americans, the specious nature of these protests have caused many people to cry foul—even the President himself.

Trump tweeted the following on Easter Sunday, “Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!”

On the Tax March website, the usual suspects are listed as partners for the march. At the top of the list is, a notorious left-wing outfit funded by billionaire George Soros. Other familiar leftist entities credited with helping to organize the march include the SEIU, Indivisible, the National Education Association, Color of Change, and the American Federation of Workers.

Unsurprisingly, the listed executive committee of organizers for the event is a veritable who’s who of Soros henchman. For instance, Anna Chu has jumped back and forth from bureaucratic and think-tank positions, and worked in a prominent role at Podesta-led and Soros-funded front group, the Center for American Progress (CAP), while Indivar Dutta-Gupta has spent his life as a government employee working for Congress as well as a “consultant” for non-profits. He is now the Co-Executive Director at the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality, influencing more young minds every day.

Another executive committee member, Ezra Levin is the Executive Director of the Indivisible Project, an astroturfed organization copying tea party tactics at Congressional town halls throughout America in a desperate attempt to derail Trump’s presidency. Indivisible’s leadership is bustling full of individuals with direct Soros ties. Other executive committee members have ties to union organizations, prominent Democratic politicians, Occupy Wall Street, and the Working Families Party, a communist organization exposed as a Soros money-laundering front back in 2004.

Many involved in astroturfing these rallies are on the public dole in one way or another. While Trump is known for his controversial tweets, there is nothing controversial about this one. It is undeniable that billionaires and special interests were pulling the strings of this weekend’s so-called grassroots rallies.

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