After weeks of denials and stonewalling, Young Americans for Liberty President Cliff Maloney Jr. finally addressed the “Liberty Summer” campaign in Michigan that he and YAL Mobilization Director Justin Greiss worked on–and helped to funnel YAL activists toward–last month. The initial “Liberty Summer” campaign in Michigan was scrapped entirely amidst allegations of fraud and abuse, resulting in every young person sent home prematurely.
We have obtained the email that Cliff sent to “Liberty Summer” activists this morning. Its contents are as follows:
NOTE: Although Maloney claims that “Justin and I had no such role” in the Brian Calley “Clean Mi Govt” part-time legislature initiative, he was handing out shirts on Mackinac Island to orientate YAL activists into the program as it began (as seen in the featured photograph) and had referred to the project frequently as his “brain child.” YAL Mobilization Director Justin Greiss was listed as the official “Project Director” of the “Clean Mi Govt” campaign, and used that power to fire YAL activists directly. Many of the YAL activists were under the impression that the “Liberty Summer” was in fact an official YAL campaign, and indicated that they were deliberately misled into believing as such.
Maloney and other YAL leaders will have to offer more than trite lip service, which includes direct answers and full transparency of all the “Liberty Summer” campaigns, before he and his organization can be taken seriously.
Sean Moran you see this?
Ooh that doesn’t look good for ol’ Cliff