It’s essentially become universally accepted that the political arena as of late has been steadily undergoing a transformation from a place of discussion and debate to one of battle. Throughout the duration of the past election season, the media never hesitated to remind viewers of just how divided the nation had become regarding the selection of the country’s new
MoreIn the powder keg of nationalism that has become Europe, it’s fair to say that in many ways, multiculturalism has been the spark. The recent outpouring of refugees from the Middle East into Europe, which ensued a wave of crime and terrorist activity, has, at the very least, struck up the debate concerning Europe’s nationalist
MoreIn the lexicon of modern American politics, there are few pieces of rhetoric more likely to elicit an eye roll from the Left than the slippery slope argument. Whether it’s in response to gun control measures or gay marriage legalization, progressives never tire of castigating conservatives for their hysteria in the face of progress and