Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai received the NRA’s ‘Courage Under Fire’ award on Friday during a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for his work in repealing the net neutrality rules instituted under the Obama administration. “The FCC is at its best when it unleashes the entrepreneurial spirit of markets as opposed
MoreAs the Net Neutrality battle heats up, rhetoric and hyperbole is escalating primarily because of supporters’ apocalyptic visions of repeal. Given the end of the internet is apparently upon our doorstep, Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai has found himself front and center. His plan to take down the Obama-era reform has met intense resistance
MoreLudwig von Mises dedicated a great amount of ink to the role that ideas play in shaping society. Not only does his analysis illustrate why it is so important to educate the public on topics such as economics, but also explains the enormous danger posed by widely accepted political myths. Examples include various false narratives