In modern America, the Bill of Rights is treated as a suggestion booklet. The Second Amendment states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, through it is often limited and watered down by excessive regulation. The Fourth Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures, though the federal government regularly
MoreMuch of the libertarian interest in next week’s Iowa Caucuses is focused on Rand Paul – and rightfully so. Since his apparent decision to drop the middle-of-the-road rhetoric and go full libertarian early this year in the face of declining money and support, many of his father’s sidelined activists have taken renewed interest in his
MoreAs we approach tonight’s Republican debate, sure to be a spectacle similar to the last three awkward attempts to manage the political equivalent of a starting football lineup, it’s worth mentioning that debates don’t have to be this way. Late last week Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal challenged Senator Ted Cruz to debate Obamacare mano y