Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) have written a joint letter to President Donald Trump calling on him to immediately withdraw all troops from the “endless wars” in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Thank you for leadership and effort to bring our troops home and end the endless wars. We, the
MoreThe topics of the draft and selective service enrollment, as well as military service in general, have become hot button issues. As military intervention abroad has escalated in recent decades and shows no sign of slowing down, there has been a debate about who should be able to serve. Should women be given more military
MoreAs the controversy surrounding the Niger attack escalates, Congress is again faced with the issue of war powers. While the Constitution requires a declaration of war from Congress, the federal legislative body has essentially given away this role with a blanket authorization for conflicts. This has been used and abused across administrations. Senator Lindsey Graham