Congressman John Lewis has widely been celebrated for his role in the civil rights movement. While the push for equality and civil rights is an honorable cause, he has allowed partisan politics to taint his legacy. Time and time again, he’s allowed his position as a Congressman and enrollment in a political party take precedence
MoreEvery Republican remembers that memorable day in April of 2008 when President Obama infamously said the following at a San Francisco fundraiser to his champagne socialist donors: “It’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as
MoreThe battle of ideas between the left and right wings of our nation’s politics has perhaps never been as bitter as it is now. And it is certainly well outside of our lifetime since the liberal side of the war has been so outmatched. Desperate for ammunition, the Left has taken to hurling handfuls of