It was refreshing for me to read Matt Lewis’ piece for the Daily Beast, “So, Feminists Are Finally Admitting It: Bill Clinton Was a Cad (or Worse).” It’s a rare moment of introspection on the part of a liberal publication, and it belies a reckoning that the Left has been reticent to acknowledge: They are
MoreThe eternal lament of old timers is, “Young people these days,” and not without good reason. What one generation tolerates in moderation, the next will embrace to excess, or so I’ve heard it said. The Greatest Generation had to deal with their children being pot-smoking, long-haired hippies, neither of which are cardinal sins these days,
MoreMeryl Streep took to the stage at the Golden Globes Award ceremony Sunday night to slam President-elect Donald Trump for his mocking a disabled reporter back in the fall of 2015. Trump predictively logged on Twitter later that night and called Streep an, “over-rated Hillary flunky.” This comes after top Hollywood celebs produced a plethora