Marxism is a cancer that has plagued societies across the globe in one form or another for well over a century, leaving behind a trail of death, destruction, and misery in the most appalling ways imaginable. The tyrants of the 20th century – Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che, and Castro among others –
MoreLet’s discuss a rich and exotic culture, the beautiful islands of the South Seas. It is long past time to go deeply in-depth into the theories of one Margaret Mead–and of course, we’ll discuss how they were wrong, and why people just keep on believing in them anyway. We will also discuss how Mead’s true believers
MoreIf by the fluke of your birth you were to find yourself in Ethiopia, it wouldn’t be unusual for you to travel several miles, by foot, to obtain perhaps the most basic necessity of life on this planet, besides breathable air that is. Water. People in Ethiopia walk for hours and miles to fill up