There is a lot of blame to go around for Roy Moore’s loss in the special election for Senator from Alabama. The political establishment and media undertook a smear campaign shortly before the election based on alleged events from 40 years ago. The Republican Party abandoned its candidate, and Roy Moore failed to sufficiently attack his
MoreBeing “pro-life” means a person opposes abortion. But while the pro-life movement seeks to change hearts and minds about abortion, the ultimate goal of the movement is to make abortion illegal. Abortion doctors murder babies, and they should be prosecuted for the crime. How can the pro-life movement bring about the legal prohibition of abortion?
MoreAmericans today consider the Supreme Court to be the final arbiter of the Constitution. Politicians and voters alike will fight tooth and nail over legal questions facing the judicial system, even criticizing Supreme Court rulings when initially handed down. But give a Supreme Court decision enough time and Americans eventually acquiesce. The question becomes “settled.”