In Puritan America, only church members were allowed to vote in political elections. In progressive America, talking heads want the executive branch represented only by Democrats.
To those willing to participate in the political aspect of their communities at the time, adhering to pure doctrine was the only way in. And candidates were only accepted into the congregation once the minister and elders were satisfied with their conduct. Even after being made a part of the church, members would still be subject to expulsion over any conduct deviations, forcing residents to live in fear and under only one doctrine. To Puritans, their philosophy and the state was one, the same approach embraced by modern progressives.
Having a way with words often helps progressives to persuade their prey. By calling everything they support “progressive” and everything they do not support “reactionary” or antidemocratic, progressives are able to persuade a great number of gullible voters. As loyalists vote to have their liberties taken away, they are led to believe they made the right decision but only because their pet politician told them so. The state — these progressives often contend — has a duty to provide. “But only if everything is run by people like me.”
When Puritans ran the show, all they had to do was to evoke the Fear of God to whip their neighbors into doing what leadership expected from them. It worked well, but not for long.
By marrying the state and the church, Puritans had a hard time understanding and respecting individualism. Progressives frequently act the same, accusing anyone with a different worldview of being filled with hate.
In the world we live today, there’s little time for people who are active in society to worry about other people’s problems. They work hard, often several jobs, and are chronically sleep-deprived. But not busybodies. They have nothing better to do than to plan on how to continue to run other people’s lives.
Progressives in both major U.S. parties see the opportunity to further their agenda by influencing politics in a big way. Much like Puritans saw a way to avoid dissent by seeing no distinction between church and state. As we enter yet another executive administration, we see the talking points being explored to exhaustion. External forces influencing the elections, the threat to democracy, and the “attack” on decency. In other words, why would decent Americans dare to contend the ruling class?
Unfortunately, this is not the only time these tactics have been used.
No matter who’s the “reactionary,” progressives will always resort to the same tactics. Including lying about their policies.
Take Ron Paul’s presidential runs, for instance. Paul was popular among the young and among members of both major parties and yet, he didn’t lie about the real world consequences of widely popular policies. In the end, he was slandered and kept from the spotlight. After all, he was a threat to both his party and the Democrats’ hold on power. But beyond that, he was a threat to progressives in both parties who put their trust in government power above facts.
While President-elect Trump is far from the ideal small government politician, the 2016 presidential election helped to bring progressive politics to its knees. At least momentarily. With this move, media outlets are beginning to lose their grasp of the narrative, while the relationship between politicians and special interests is becoming clearer. It’s time to shine, freemen. The progressive control on reality has been put on hold.