As the Christmas vacation weekend set in, the Senate Rules and Administration Committee revealed a report showing the Senate has spent $1.5 million on sexual harassment settlements since 1998. The information, supplied by the Office of Compliance, an administrative department that has quietly settled dozens of complaints towards congressional offices, offers little by the use of
MoreIf there is anything that gets demagogic politicians and pundits riled up, it’s the closing of tax loopholes, and the tax-hike demagogues might just be getting one of their wishes come December. Bloomberg reports that most online consumers will pay sales taxes in some shape or form in the next few months. Currently, consumers pay
MoreThat there is some sense in which Christmas can be said to have become “secularized” over the years is undoubtedly true. Nevertheless, this judgment may be overwrought. Perhaps Christ is more present in “secularized” expressions of Christmas than either Christian or non-Christian is willing to acknowledge. This is borne out by close examination of such