Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is fighting mad after the Senate refused to repeal Obamacare this week. He has an idea for a reform that would take us back to the original intent of the Constitution by repealing the 17th Amendment, which allowed for the popular vote of senators. “Time to repeal 17th Amendment. Founders
MoreWinston Churchill once said: “Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…” In line with this quote, for many in the United States democracy is held as the highest political ideal, Abraham Lincoln described a government
MoreThe following may seem a little harsh, but please keep in mind that everything I’m about to write is out of genuine concern for our friends on the left, particularly those of the millennial generation. They say children are our future and with that in mind, I’ve become increasingly concerned about the mental health and
MoreOver the past several years, those of us on the right have watched in semi-stupefied horror as the traditions and morals that serve as the bedrock of our culture have been eroded under an incessant bombardment of cultural Marxism. Those values that built this nation (not to mention much of western civilization) are under open