In the safe Republican state of Wyoming, the right-wing, national-conservative Freedom Caucus has taken over the state House of Representatives, seizing the four key positions in House leadership following the November elections, according to a report by Wyofile. Freedom Caucus members took the positions of Speaker, Majority Leader, Majority Whip and Speaker pro tempore.
MoreSen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) took on National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci in a scathing USA Today op-ed published on Thursday. “Fauci and company have relied on models that were later found to be deficient. He even has suggested that he can’t
MorePresident Donald Trump has announced White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney will stay on in his role as acting White House Chief of Staff. The news comes following a CNN report that Mulvaney had lost the confidence of the President, and was likely to be replaced with former Freedom Caucus chair Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) within
MoreRep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on Monday rejected a call by close ally Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Speaking to the Washington Post, Massie, a supporter of the President’s, claimed to have been blindsided by Amash’s remarks, and clarified that he was “180 degrees diametrically opposed” to them. “When you quote
MoreRep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), a leading figure within the libertarian-leaning Freedom Caucus, will run for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives next year, according to a letter he sent to colleagues on Thursday. “Should the American people entrust us with the majority again in the 116th Congress, I plan to run for Speaker of
MoreFormer State Sen. Debbie Lesko prevailed on Tuesday in the Republican special election primary to succeed outgoing Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) in Arizona’s 8th congressional district with 35.8% of the vote, beating her nearest challenger, former State Sen. Steve Montenegro, by 11 points. Lesko had been endorsed by Freedom Caucus leaders Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and
MorePresident Donald Trump’s libertarian-leaning nominee to chair the Export-Import Bank, former Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), has been rejected by the Republican-controlled Senate Banking Committee. As a member of the House of Representatives, Garrett was a close associate of former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), and a member of the Freedom Caucus and the Liberty Caucus. He
MoreRep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has announced his support for the Republican tax reform bill currently in the House of Representatives, according to a report by CNN. This is no doubt a boon for the bill, which was expected to face criticism from libertarian-minded Republican lawmakers such as Massie and the members of the Freedom Caucus
MoreSenior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller has outlined the administration’s preconditions for any deal regarding minors affected by Trump’s decision to rescind DACA, according to a report by McClatchy. Miller called for switching to a merit-based immigration system, eliminating protections for unaccompanied illegal alien children, increasing the numbers of immigration enforcement officials, raising visa
MoreFormer Senator Jim DeMint is set to be imminently ousted from his position as President of the Heritage Foundation according to a new report by Politico. Heritage board members aligned with the Republican establishment are set to announce they will not renew DeMint’s contract, which ends later this year, within the coming days. During the Bush administration, the
MoreSen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has condemned progressive figures within the White House who have been agitating against the fiscally conservative Freedom Caucus. In a Tuesday panel covered by the Texas Tribune, Cruz defended the Freedom Caucus, stating, “I will say those voices in the White House that are trying to get the White House to unload on
MorePresident Trump announced on Friday that he will nominate former Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) as President and Chairman of the Export-Import Bank. The Ex-Im Bank subsidizes the financing of U.S. exports, and has been criticized by free market organizations for benefiting special interests such as Boeing and General Electric. During his time in Congress, Garrett was well respected
MoreBudget Director Mick Mulvaney is “on the rise” within the White House, according to a report by Politico on Tuesday. “When thinking about up and comers in the administration, think less about Gary Cohn, a New York City Democrat, and more about Mulvaney.” Recent reports that Gary Cohn, the former President of Goldman Sachs, was
MoreRep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) provided some unique insight in how the ongoing conflict between the Freedom Caucus formed during a recent appearance on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, a FOX News program. Gohmert explained that it was establishment figures close to the President who got in his ear and told him to take a
MoreRep. Raul Labrador of Idaho, a founding member of the Freedom Caucus and a vocal critic of the failed American Health Care Act (AHCA), hit out at Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger on Friday after the latter released an scathing op-ed in the New York Times titled “How the Freedom Caucus Is Undermining the G.O.P.” In the op-ed,
MorePresident Donald Trump today appeared to declare war on the members of the Freedom Caucus, stating on Twitter that “the Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2o18.” While it is still unclear what the President meant by his remarks,
MoreAfter the Freedom Caucus stopped House Majority Speaker Paul Ryan’s health care bill from even receiving a floor vote, conservatives and libertarians were elated, but serious consequences may be on the way if White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s words are any indicator. Conservatives and libertarians hoping their health care victory would result in Trump
MorePresident Donald Trump today hammered the Freedom Caucus and two allied Tea Party organizations, the Club for Growth and Heritage Action, for their strident opposition to Speaker Paul Ryan’s American Health Care Act (ACHA), which was aimed at repealing and replacing Obamacare. On Twitter, Trump stated that “Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus,
MoreWelcome to American politics, where election season never really ends. By the time one election is close, the next year’s campaign is well underway. The battle for the soul of the House GOP is no exception. Republicans in the House of Representatives have been having it out internally since the day they took the speakership