For five years, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman has attempted to bring Herbalife, a global nutrition and weight management company, to the brink of financial ruin—all for his personal financial gain. Fortune reported that, back in 2012, Ackman’s Pershing Square Capital Management took a $1 billion short position in Herbalife’s stock, expressing his belief
MoreFox News host and ratings kingpin Tucker Carlson orchestrated a stunning takedown of two neoconservative pundits on back-to-back nights over the topic of Russia. He debated FOX News contributor Ralph Peters and Council on Foreign Relations fellow Max Boot this week. Both Tucker Carlson Tonight guests argued successively that Russia represented an existential national security
MorePresident Donald Trump’s bellicose approach to handling relations with North Korea does not appear to be paying off. China is unimpressed with Trump’s threats and saber-rattling, and is sticking with their diplomatic approach to handling the authoritarian regime. “There’s been a lot of wishful thinking on the U.S. side that China was coming around in
MoreOne of the few elected Democratic lawmakers with an extensive anti-war record, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), has combined forces with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) to push legislation that would ban federal agencies from using taxpayer-backed funds to provide weapons, training, intelligence, or any other type of support to terrorist cells such as al-Qaeda, ISIS, or