The fallout from the “Liberty Summer” campaigns continues on. Young Americans for Liberty leaders have been selling their activists on these campaigns all summer (and continue to do so), but they have not turned out as expected. The “Clean Mi Govt” part-time legislature initiative headed by Brian Calley continues to receive terrible press in Michigan
MoreAfter weeks of denials and stonewalling, Young Americans for Liberty President Cliff Maloney Jr. finally addressed the “Liberty Summer” campaign in Michigan that he and YAL Mobilization Director Justin Greiss worked on–and helped to funnel YAL activists toward–last month. The initial “Liberty Summer” campaign in Michigan was scrapped entirely amidst allegations of fraud and abuse,
MoreThere has been no shortage of controversy surrounding the Ron Paul inspired activist group Young Americans for Liberty since Cliff Maloney Jr took over as president of the organization. Fresh off his time as leader of the youth arm of the Rand Paul campaign, Cliff took over in May of 2016, and almost immediately became
MoreA ‘Liberty Summer’ of Deceit: Young Americans for Liberty Activists Leave Failed Campaign in Disgust
It’s summertime in Michigan, and there is no place that is any more quaint or delightful than Mackinac Island near the Upper Peninsula of the state. Arriving on this slice of heaven is like stepping back through time. There are few cars on the island. Visitors must travel by horse and buggy or bicycle. The
MoreJust a few weeks ago, dozens of precocious young libertarians from throughout the country were bussed out to beautiful Mackinac Island in Northern Michigan. Advertised as “a ground breaking opportunity for liberty,” starry eyed activists hit the pavement with enthusiasm and vigor to make liberty win. Little did they know they were being used as