Less than an hour from where I sit, in Manchester, New Hampshire, a travesty of justice unfolded when Andrea Muller, a city prosecutor, dropped six domestic violence charges against defendant Augustin Bahati. Bahati’s guilt should have been a no brainer and his conviction should have been a slam dunk and if he weren’t a black
MoreThe only good thing to emerge from the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Manchester is that we in the United States have perhaps the most unambiguous picture yet of what surrender looks like. From useful idiots like Katy Perry to George Stephanopoulos, we have witnessed the same consistent refrain: The problem isn’t mass murder,
MoreWhen radical Islamist 22-year-old Salman Abedi blew himself up at a pop music concert in Manchester, England, killing 22 and wounding 59, he did more than commit a terrorist attack – he once again demonstrated the insidious nature of violent, radical Islam manifested as jihad. The suicide bomber detonated himself at Manchester Arena late Monday as