The arbiters of our culture at Old Media outlets such as the Washington Post and the New York Times, and the “young and hip” people who write exactly like the Old Media outlets (Huffington Post, Salon, etc) have been in something of a conniption for the past year and a half. Namely, they’ve been wondering
MoreToday’s post is about a video game. Don’t close the window, I have a serious point in all of this! I freely admit that as a hobby, games are not in the least constructive, and correspondingly, as I’ve grown up, have bills to pay and dedicate most of my free time to my creative endeavors,
MoreSo the time has come for me to review a book written by my boss (my tertiary boss to be more specific. I work three jobs, so you know I’m amongst the societal elite). More specifically, it is Roosh V’s most recent book Free Speech Isn’t Free, the first of his books to be written
MoreLibertarian activist Candice E. Jackson was recently appointed by President Donald Trump as the top civil rights official in the Department of Education. In her role, she is trying to address the oft-taboo issue of men’s rights on college campuses, where feminists and other leftists have worked to create a culture of hysteria against males.
MoreWe’ve made the big time, folks! And by “we,” I don’t mean “me,” specifically, but rather the reactosphere as a nebulous organization has made the big time! The New York Times, the Washington Post, and other esteemed publications are talking about the alt-right, the manosphere, neoreaction, paleoconservatism, and all of the various permutations of intellectual
MoreA common trope one hears in the midst of the “official” discussions on masculinity (ie: stuff that you’d never find within a mile radius of a website such as this one) is the idea that “toxic masculinity” can be solved by “reimagining masculinity.” To elaborate, this is the idea that the traditional “social construct” of