Lara Witt is the managing editor of Wear Your Voice and despite being a solid seven and a half on the unofficial 1-10 scale of female hotness, she’s a waste of natural talent. She’s not a bad writer but she embodies the famous Reagan quote about how liberals aren’t ignorant, they just know so much
MoreNo sooner do terrorists attack, than those who monopolize the conversation revert to abstractions: “terrorism returned,” “terror struck,” when, of course, not terrorism, but terrorists struck Barcelona, Spain, on August 17. Terrorists did the same days later, in Newcastle, England and in Turku, Finland. The men who murdered 14 in Spain, maiming and injuring over
MoreMark Joseph Stern is coming apart at the seams and he wants you to imitate his thumb-sucking fetal posture. In his article, Neil Gorsuch is everything liberals feared—and more, Stern recites a litany of Justice Gorsuch’s most heinous transgressions. He’s supposedly “pro-gun, pro–travel ban, anti-gay, anti–church/state separation. He is certainly more conservative than Justice Samuel
MoreTimes have changed since Steve Bannon left Breitbart News to serve as White House chief strategist. When Bannon was editor-in-chief of the publication, it never shied away from controversy and featured a variety of firebrands on their writing staff. Less than a year later, merely criticizing the Islamic religion can get you a pink slip
MoreThe only good thing to emerge from the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Manchester is that we in the United States have perhaps the most unambiguous picture yet of what surrender looks like. From useful idiots like Katy Perry to George Stephanopoulos, we have witnessed the same consistent refrain: The problem isn’t mass murder,
MoreProvocative conservative sensation Milo Yiannopoulos recently announced his official return and is already up to his usual antics. He will lead a demonstration tomorrow in New York City against radical Muslim apologist Linda Sarsour, who is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at CUNY in June. Yiannopoulos will be joined by New York Assemblyman Dov
MoreThe suspense is over. Marine Le Pen, the so-called “far-right” nationalist seeking to win the French presidency, has been defeated by EU suck-up sycophant Emmanuel Macron. The French voters were given a stark choice between the centrist Macron and the populist Le Pen: Continue following the path of cultural suicide – all the while expecting