Mark Joseph Stern is coming apart at the seams and he wants you to imitate his thumb-sucking fetal posture. In his article, Neil Gorsuch is everything liberals feared—and more, Stern recites a litany of Justice Gorsuch’s most heinous transgressions. He’s supposedly “pro-gun, pro–travel ban, anti-gay, anti–church/state separation. He is certainly more conservative than Justice Samuel
MoreIt has been a tumultuous start to Trump’s Presidency as the inexperienced outsider adjusts to life in Washington DC, but Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) is impressed with what he has seen thus far. Massie thinks the 45th President is off to a great start mainly because of his choice of rule-of-law Justice Neil Gorsuch to
MoreNo one ever said that going through the Supreme Court nomination process is easy. Central to the Senate’s constitutionally mandated role to provide “advice and consent” to the president, is the rigorous questioning of the nominee by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and a subsequent vote of the entire chamber. However, there is a difference between
MoreJust as the United States Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-9 along party lines to advance Gorsuch’s nomination, Democrats reached the 40-vote threshold to filibuster a vote by the full Senate. This morning Sens. Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Mark Warner of Virginia, and Patrick Leahy of Vermont all said they could not support