The highly politicized Southern Poverty Law Center keeps a list of “Terror From the Right” attacks. SPLC describes the list as a “detailed listing of major terrorist plots and racist rampages that have emerged from the American radical right.” Included on that list are Dallas police shooter Micah Xavier Johnson and Orlando nightclub shooter Omar
MoreThe recent shooting in the Orlando, Florida LGBT nightclub was tragic and heartbreaking, not just for the LGBT community, but for anyone in America who felt solidarity and actually gave a damn. But as usual, the afterglow of tragedy was swiftly upheaved and manipulated for political argumentation – never mind the fact that the blood hadn’t
MoreThe reason the Founders enshrined the Second Amendment in the Constitution was because they understood that the inherent dignity and worth of the individual person expressed itself in the concepts of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” An inherent part of Life and Liberty is security and the right of self-defense. We are endowed
MoreIt is tragic that once again, innocent victims succumb to the violent hatred of homegrown radical Islam. While we are still learning all the facts, it is clear that the gunman not only supported ISIS, but swore allegiance to the terrorist group, and acted as a radical Islamist, as he phoned 911 prior to carrying