Rep. Justin Amash (L-MI) has stated he is not opposed to the United Nations (UN) and other globalist institutions, describing it as a “positive venue” for U.S. global engagement, in a Friday interview with Reason. “I’m not opposed to bodies where countries from around the world come and meet like the UN and can engage
MoreYou’re more than likely familiar with Aesop’s brief fable of a mouse and a lion. If you’ve lived under a rock your whole life I’ll bring you up to speed: A mouse convinces a lion to spare his life in exchange for the promise of a future favor. Cue the future. The lion finds himself
MoreLast Wednesday, it was announced that, by way of executive fiat, the United States would begin scaling back its financial support of the United Nations (UN). It was the same day our new President signed an order which jump-starts the construction of his long promised wall along the US-Mexico border. At face value it would
MoreAmid a torrent of rumors surrounding the allegedly chaotic Trump transition, there have been some glimmers of hope emerging from the fledgling ascendance of the Manhattanite billionaire to the halls of power in Washington, DC. Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, has taken the reins of the transition process and his first order of business was to