Austin Petersen, now running to be a U.S. Senator for the Republican Party in the state of Missouri, is attempting to reinvent himself after a failed run for the Presidency as a Libertarian Party contender last year. A recent tweet from Petersen took aim at “Never Trump” Republicans waging war against the leader of their
MoreAny young woman who has organized conservatives or libertarians on campus can tell you first hand that sexism is a lingering problem. Dealing with young males emboldened by this toxic culture is hard enough, but leadership figures exhibiting blatant misogyny is over the line. And it is what I experienced first hand from perpetual candidate
MoreThe fallout from the “Liberty Summer” campaigns continues on. Young Americans for Liberty leaders have been selling their activists on these campaigns all summer (and continue to do so), but they have not turned out as expected. The “Clean Mi Govt” part-time legislature initiative headed by Brian Calley continues to receive terrible press in Michigan
MoreLiberty activists associated with the anti-establishment political action committee, UnWashington PAC dropped a rhetorical bomb on the senatorial aspirations of Missouri clickbait artist and 2016 Libertarian Presidential wannabe Austin Petersen at the first night of YALCon last week. This organization circulated literature shining suspicion upon Petersen’s longstanding claims of being pro-life and profiled a documented trend
MoreSince announcing his candidacy for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, former Libertarian Party presidential candidate Austin Petersen has piqued the interest of Missouri conservatives seeking a candidate to unseat left-wing incumbent Claire McCaskill. A candidate with national prominence like Petersen would initially appear to be an ideal nominee in one of the most closely
MoreIt is now official: all of the work that the Young Americans for Liberty activists did in Michigan on their “Liberty Summer” for the “Clean Michigan Government” campaign was for naught. The “Clean Mi Govt” campaign for a part-time legislature, spearheaded by career politician Brian Calley to rehab his image for his upcoming run for
MoreAs news that the FBI is re-investigating Hillary Clinton broke yesterday, most conservatives and liberty-minded folks were jubilated by the news. However, one entity in the liberty blogosphere did not share that same reaction. The Libertarian Republic, a liberty-oriented news and opinion website, responded to the breaking news in a peculiar and contradictory manner. After
MoreOne of the most impeachable derelictions of the modern libertarian movement is its blatant disregard of – or support for – government attacks on religious liberty. The Gary Johnson complex, as I’ve come to call it, is not grounded in any libertarian ideology – a fact that fellow candidate Austin Petersen ripped the proverbial fig
MoreDear Austin, As a Libertarian Presidential Candidate, I know you’re busy with a lot of interviews and meetings with conservative media and voters looking for a way out of the coming Trump/Hillary nightmare, but I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to you and try to iron out some of the wrinkles in
MoreOn the night of the first ever nationally televised Libertarian Party presidential debate, myself and a small group of fellow writers, editors, and activists were invited by Libertarian Party candidate Austin Petersen to an after party of sorts in downtown New York City. It was history in the making – for the first time, national