As with many, if not most, of the reported obscenities to have emerged from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the latest raft of divulged vulgarities are based upon anonymous sources with one exception. In addition to the unnamed, faceless rats who leaked President Trump’s recent, “shithole” comments, there is one verified witness of our fearless leader’s alleged
MoreDo you know who Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were? Do you know what they did? Do you know what happened to them? I’ll save you a trip to Wikipedia: They sold us out to the Rooskies and when we caught them, we sent them to the chair. Those were the days. Professional bullsh-t artists like
MoreNew life has been breathed into the topic of the Uranium One deal, which originally took place under the Obama Administration. This comes after The Hill broke news about a Russian plot involving an American uranium trucking firm. Through bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering, Russia aimed to grow influence within the United States. Though a violation of
MoreTo all the Romney/Ryan fans (i.e. “Hillary Lovers”) exhibiting the intellectual dishonesty of people motivated more by fear than truth, I ask this question: Why don’t you fear losing the Supreme Court for a generation to a bunch of radical leftist totalitarian justices? They apparently do not fear the out-of-control regulatory state that we know Hillary